can someone write this persuasive speech on closing the gender pay gap?

Persuasive Speech

The goal of this assignment is to provide the outline and speech video URL for your persuasive speech. Please submit the document, and please copy and paste your work in the assignments submission area. This document contains both the URL link to your speech and the outline itself.

In this speech you will present a persuasive speech to your audience of at least 4 adults about your topic of choice.

This must be a researched topic. Personal experience alone is not acceptable.

Presenting to less than 4 adults will not be accepted. You will receive a zero on the speech assignment if your audience is fewer than 4. 

Although it isn’t necessary for the topic to be controversial, persuasive topics often are.  You are expected to research both sides of the issue for controversial topics.

Only credible sources should be used. A great source for this is Opposing Viewpoints journal. A large part of your grade in persuasive speaking is reflected by your success in recognizing both sides of an issue (or at least not ignoring the opposing side), while clearly proving and supporting your point. Proper reference (verbal citations) to your sources should be made at each main point (at minimum).

You must use at minimum of 4 sources for your speech and they must show in the body of your outline, on your reference page and must be verbally cited in your speech.

You must have a call to action in your conclusion that is specific. To view a sample outline format for this speech, go onto the Modules page, scroll towards the bottom and you will see a link for one there.

Be sure to use one of the persuasive organizational formats:

  1. Problem-solution

  2. Problem-cause-solution

  3. Monroe’s Motivated Sequence

This speech must be no less than 5 minutes and no more than 6 minutes long.