Answer the following two questions from the chapter Part One What are the 3 most important things (Can be a law, a person, an event) that changed the meaning of freedom by limiting or expanding rights

Part one

According to history the freedom was greatly influenced by a number factors which include events, law’s enactment, common people etc. this factors lead one to the other and thus limiting or expanding the rights and the liberties of the land. For instance in the event of United states history reactions of common people to government brutalities let to development of laws such as law of libel which led to limitation and restriction of press freedom through restraining of publication such as advertising influence. In contribution of individuals the liberal staff members of the National archives for instance played a critical role in proposing the initial document which was included in the Wanger Act of 1935. This act promoted freedom as it guarantees labor rights among other collective bargaining freedoms

Review Questions 

  1. How were the New England textiles mills planned and built?

    1. New England merchants and British migrants memorized plans from British mills. (C)

  1. Which is the best characterization of textile mill workers in the early nineteenth century?

    1. (D). young farm women whose behavior was closely monitored

  1. What effect did industrialization have on consumers?

    1. Industrialization during these times made the manufactured goods readily abundant and more available. Most of the poor American population were able to access and equip their homes with cook stoves, parlor stoves decorations i.e. wallpaper and curtains etc.

  1. Most people who migrated within the United States in the early nineteenth century went ________.

    1. West toward Ohio (B)

  1. Which of the following was not a cause of the Panic of 1819?

    1. Banks hoarded gold and silver. (D)

  1. Robert Fulton is known for inventing ________.

    1. The steamship engine(C)

  1. What did federal and state governments do to help people who were hurt in the Panic of 1819?

    1. The federal government took initiative of passing laws which allowed most people to sell back the lands in which they could not pay for or utilize so as to get money and pay for their debts. The States made it more difficult to foreclose on mortgages and tried to make it easier for people to declare bankruptcy.

  2. Which of the following was not a factor in the transportation revolution?

    1. The combustion engine(C)

  1. What was the significance of the Cumberland Road?

    1. It gave settlers a quicker way to move west (A)

  1. What were the benefits of the transportation revolution?

    1. The Cumberland road enabled the settlers to transport to west easily. The Erie Canal also helped in facilitating trade with the west through the ability to connect to Hudson River to Lake Erie. In addition the Rail road’s shortens the transportation time throughout the entire country.

  2. Which of the following groups supported the abolition of slavery?

    1. Middle-class northerners (D)

  1. Which social class was most drawn to amusements like P. T. Barnum’s museum?

    1. Wage workers (A)

  1. What did Peter Cooper envision for the United States, and how did he work to bring his vision to life?

    1. A successful northern manufacturer and inventor, Cooper who is a successful inventor and a manufacturer valued hard work, thrift, and simplicity. He lived and followed his values, and choosing utilitarian, being self-made furnishings rather than loving and living a luxurious live and goods. Cooper had a vision of being hardworking leading which led him to develop Cooper Union for the purposes of Advancement of Science and Art.

Critical thinking Questions

  1. Industrialization in the Northeast produced great benefits and also major problems. What were they? Who benefited and who suffered? Did the benefits outweigh the problems, or vice versa?

    1. Industrialization in the Northeast produced great benefits and also major problems. What were they? Who benefited and who suffered? Did the benefits outweigh the problems or vice versa? Industrialization is the process where a society transforms from a primarily agricultural society to an industrial society. This is possible by the introduction of industries that specialize in the making of a certain product or service. One advantage is that goods are made faster and in larger amount when a society industrializes. The increase in supply drives prices down. This makes it possible for people to buy more things than before. Industries bring technology and manufacturing ideas that increase productivity. This raises the standard of living because the common man can now afford much more than he could. Another advantage is that wages for workers increase. This allows for more spending, which makes economies grow. This is because an increase in wages increases demand for goods that can now be afforded. When demand goes up, supply also goes up and therefore industrialization drives economies

  1. What factors led to the Panic of 1819? What government regulations might have prevented it?

    1. There were three key causes of the Panic of 1819: inflation, public debt from the War of 1812, and the Louisiana Purchase. The Panic had a lasting effect on the American banking system and directed attention to the crucial 1819-1821 session of Congress

  2. Would the Industrial Revolution have been possible without the use of slave labor? Why or why not?

    1. Absolutely, the drivers of the Industrial Revolution were the non-slave states of the US, the island of Great Britain and the rest of Western Europe, none of which were slave states or nations. The US slave states were backward as were the colonies of Great Britain and the rest of Western Europe. The industrial revolution was driven by economic freedom and innovation, not by the back-breaking labor of slaves and the oppression of their masters. Slaves have no economic freedom and no chance or motivation to innovate. Slave masters main concern is exploiting their slaves. Western Europe and most of the places settled primarily by western Europeans were practically the only state societies without slavery in the history of civilization. They were also the only ones that produced an industrial revolution.

  3. What might have been the advantages and disadvantages of railroads for the people who lived along the routes or near the stations?

    1. Advantages

      1. The railroads had spurred the Industrial Revolution by giving the manufacturers a very cheap way to transport goods, and other handmade tools.

      2. The railroads boosted agricultural and fishing industries in not only England, but a lot of other countries around the world. It also made traveling a lot easier; railroads had encouraged country people to take jobs in distant cities

    2. Disadvantages

      1. However, there were several disadvantages to railroads as well. For example, many people had to sell their land in order for the railroad to be built. Moreover, as towns grew because of the railroad, so did crime and poverty.

      2. While this was going on, people moving to other cities to acquire jobs, this created large urbanization, which caused major diseases, since the people in the cities were not immune to it.

  1. What were the values of the middle class? How did they differ from the values of those above and below them on the socioeconomic ladder? In what ways are these values similar to or different from those held by the middle class today?

    1. The profound economic changes sweeping the United States led to equally important social and cultural transformations. The formation of distinct classes was one of the most striking developments.