Policy Topic:  Texas health Institute I attached my topic file down there. Make sure it is neat, organized with headings, double spaced. You need to write clearly and thoroughly enough to convince th

Institutional Env health


Texas Health Institute

It works with and across different sectors within the public health and healthcare spectrum to lead collaborative efforts and facilitate connections to foster systems that provide the opportunity for everyone to lead a healthy life. THI conducts research and analysis to inform national programs and policies for improving community health. As an independent, nonpartisan, nonprofit organization, THI takes a broad view of health care issues and their impact on people and their communities.

Focussing on the specific kind of health care will lead to development and innovation in the field of public health.

Condition: Texas Health Institude is a non- profit institution which focusses on overall health issues of the Texans. They are involved in general health care. Texas Health Institute helps national, state, and local leaders, organizations, and communities measure and close gaps in health and achieve health equity.

Criteria: Although they have been doing a great job focusing on all the general health issues, they can turn towards focusing on a specific issues such as maternal and child health care. Department of State Health of Texas provides several maternal and child health care. They also provide block grant funds. This can be utilized fully. Researches regarding maternal and child health could be sponsored.

Cause- Texas is one of the biggest states of U.S. Being able to generalize and provide various health services is significant.

Effect: However, focusing on the specifics can lead to innovation. Experimentations and provision in maternal and child health care would further advance development in this field of public health.