This week you will finalize your health promotion campaign by developing a Power Point presentation for the class. Include all of the steps but just summarize on your slides, do not cut and paste all



The elderly benefit a lot from regular body exercise. It is one of the most effective ways of controlling some of the illnesses that may affect them during their old age. The body is already weak enough, which means that they should not be put into strenuous activities, which may affect their help even more. The exercise should be moderate but consistent. This way, the body will adapt to it. It will indicate whether the individual should be encouraged to do more exercise or still maintain their current program. The critical point is that they should not be put into activities that end up leading to sudden body change in terms of its function.

They can be helped by the community they live in several ways. They can be engaged in a community-based physical activity program that will offer them opportunities to take part in activities such as flexibility, aerobic, and strengthening programs specifically designed for the elderly. It would be advisable for other community members to join them so that to encourage and help when it comes to exercising. (Washio, 2019)

It is also essential to encourage indoor and protected locations to provide safe places for walking. This is very important because of weather changes. As indicated earlier, the exercise should be regular, meaning that they should take part in them despite the weather changes. Providing safe locations will encourage them to participate more in taking the

exercises hence boosting their health.

At times, the elderly may not be able to take themselves to parks so that they may have a walk, which is an excellent exercise for their bodies. To solve this, they should be offered the means of transport to the parks. They should also be transported to different places which often encourage them to take part in different body exercises. It is important to note that they may be intending to take part in exercising their bodies but cannot do it alone without help from their friends, relatives, or the community.

The society has different ways of helping the elderly to live longer. Body exercise is one of the essential factors that the community members should focus on. The government also has the responsibility of providing platforms that can be utilized by the elderly and other people in society. (Lee, 2017)


Lee, S. C. (2017). Effects of Health Education Programs for the Elders in Community Care Canters-Evaluated by Health Promotion Behaviours. International Journal of Gerontology.

Washio, M. (2019). Health issues and care system for the Elderly. Spronger Berlin Heidelberg.