This week you will finalize your health promotion campaign by developing a Power Point presentation for the class. Include all of the steps but just summarize on your slides, do not cut and paste all

Running head: HEALTH PROMOTION 0

Health Promotion

Health education is essential in promoting health public health policy. It can be done by applying health promotion strategies. This is an effective way of creating awareness to people on the importance of their health. Everyone must take part by bringing his or her experience to minimize health tragedies. For this to happen successfully, there have been objectives to follow (Klassen et al., 2018).

Objectives of a Successful Health Promotion Campaign

Adaptability; the ability to monitor the impacts of strategies is used. Adjustments can be made to objectives and strategies of the campaign that can adapt to changes in the target groups, government policies and social norms (Steinberger et al., 2016). One can use the events that happen in the promotion campaign to enhance the information of the campaign, for instance, the issue of the deadly corona virus which has struck the globe. People need to be informed of the precautions to take to fight the infection.

Research-based; objectives of the campaign should be based on the epidemiological data connected to the prevalence of both the infection and risk aspects. This helps to define challenges that arise and outlines the suitable results of the campaign. The campaign should be based on both sociological and psychological theories of behavioral change. The activity may depend on more than one theory as long as theories don’t oppose each other (Klassen et al., 2018). Communication research, knowledge and psychological appearance of the target group should be made to ensure they understand and take it seriously.

Evaluation is another core objective that should be followed to the latter. Most campaigns are costly. Therefore, this can increase the obligations to ensure the results are completely solved. The target groups are required to choose which level of evaluation it effective for specific objectives during the campaign (Barbara et al., 2017). In conclusion, the objectives of the campaign must be achieved meaning that people should be ready to get and respond to the information in the course of the campaign. It should be noted that the campaigns which run in contrast with the general opinion of the communities are ineffective. Health campaigns should aim to create awareness to individuals even in their homes and urban center.


Barbara, A., Poscia, A., De, C. M., De, C. W., Anzelmo, V., Santoro, P. E., ... & Damiani, G. (2017). A health promotion campaign to improve flu vaccination adherence among medical residents in an Italian Teaching Hospital. Igiene e sanita pubblica, 73(5), 545- 555.

Klassen, K. M., Borleis, E. S., Brennan, L., Reid, M., McCaffrey, T. A., & Lim, M. S. (2018). What people “like”: analysis of social media strategies used by food industry brands, lifestyle brands, and health promotion organizations on Facebook and Instagram. Journal of medical Internet research, 20(6), e10227.

Steinberger, J., Daniels, S. R., Hagberg, N., Isasi, C. R., Kelly, A. S., Lloyd-Jones, D., ... & Urbina, E. (2016). Cardiovascular health promotion in children: challenges and opportunities for 2020 and beyond: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association. Circulation, 134(12), e236-e255.