instructor feedback on the hearing analyze graded The assignment description includes the following: Your job as a writer is not to simply answer or report on the answers to the questions given. Y
Hearing Analysis Assignment
Hearings are an important part of the legislative process, and one that is open to public observation. Understanding what role Congressional hearings do and don’t play – and the realities of what they entail--is important for effective advocacy.
Each student will virtually attend a congressional hearing by the US Senate Committee on Indian Affairs. According to their website: “The Committee has jurisdiction to study the unique problems of American Indian, Native Hawaiian, and Alaska Native peoples and to propose legislation to alleviate these difficulties. These issues include, but are not limited to, Indian education, economic development, land management, trust responsibilities, health care, and claims against the United States. Additionally, all legislation proposed by Members of the Senate that specifically pertains to American Indians, Native Hawaiians, or Alaska Natives is under the jurisdiction of the Committee.”
For the purpose of this assignment, any topic is acceptable but it must be either a legislative hearing or oversight hearing. Legislative hearings are on policy issues that may become law and often have witnesses (elected officials, experts, interest groups, and persons directly affected by the proposal). Oversight hearings are meant to review or study an issue, law, quality of a government program, or official; the intent of such hearing is to improve the efficiency or effectiveness of government in reflecting the public interest.
You can access the schedule of past and current hearings being held by United States Senate Committee on Indian Affairs at:
After attending the hearing, students will write a 2-4-page paper. The question prompts provided below can help you to brainstorm and take notes, but you are given the freedom to create your own thesis for this assignment. Your job as a writer is not to simply answer or report on the answers to the questions given. Your job is to integrate your understanding of the legislative process, cultural and subject knowledge, and a social work lens to create a paper that supports your thesis. You will be graded on depth of analysis and ability to think constructively about what you witnessed.
Students may complete this assignment at any time during the semester, although a final due date is noted.
Questions to Consider
Subject, date, time, and location of the hearing. Type of hearing: bill, issue, oversight, confirmation?
The agenda. Who are the witnesses? In what order do they appear? Why?
The testimony. Identify a witness who you think is especially effective. What, specifically, do they do to maximize the impact of their testimony? Why, specifically is it more effective than the testimony of other witnesses?
The response. How many committee members are present? Which ones? From which party? How do they behave toward each other? Toward the witnesses? What seems to be the role of their staff? What would you guess are the legislators’ reasons for being present? What are they trying to accomplish?
Impressions and analysis: What did you think? What did you learn? How did what you observed compare with the description of hearings in your text? How could you use this experience?
Grading Criteria/Rubric
PRESENCE OF A THESIS STATEMENT – Your paper needs to make a clear argument about the hearing. This needs to show up as a single sentence somewhere in your introductory paragraph. You will earn points both by having such a statement in your introduction, and also for how well the body of the paper defends and supports your argument. | /20 |
ORGANIZATION – Your paper should include an introduction, approximately 2-4 ‘body’ paragraphs, and a conclusion. The introduction should include both a single-sentence thesis statement and a mapping sentence that describes the main ideas the paper will use to defend that thesis. The introduction should also short description of the topic of the hearing attended (including date) and type of hearing. You will earn points both by including all of these components and by writing in a logical fashion that works to support the thesis. | /20 |
WRITING – Your writing needs to be at an acceptable, and professional level of communication. Voice markers should be used throughout the paper to differentiate your opinion/argument from the testimony in the hearing. DO NOT WRITE IN THE FIRST PERSON, POINTS WILL BE DEDUCTED | /10 |
CC 2.1.3 – The essay is also graded according to how well you professionally communicate analysis of professional judgments and your ability to analyze the hearing in terms of how it advances social well-being. | /50 |
Core Competency 2.1.5 – Part of the essay grade is based on how well you demonstrate your ability to analyze sources of information in the context of a social and economic justice framework, and your understanding of the forms and mechanisms of oppression and discrimination. | /50 |
PRESENCE OF A THESIS STATEMENT Your paper needs to make a clear argument about the hearing. This needs to show up as a single sentence somewhere in your introductory paragraph. You will earn points both by having such a statement in your introduction, and also for how well the body of the paper defends and supports your argument. | 16-20 Exemplary papers will include a clear, concise argument about the hearing. Further, this argument is directly addressed and supported in each of the body paragraphs. | 12-15 A thesis statement may show up in the introductory paragraph, but it may only sort of connect to the hearing, or it may only be indirectly supported in the body of the paper. | 11 OR LESS In less polished papers, there may be a complete absence of a recognizable thesis statement in the first paragraph, or the argument may not directly connect to the hearing. Further, the paper may not adequately connect with or support the argument. |
ORGANIZATION Your paper should include an introduction, approximately 2-4 ‘body’ paragraphs, and a conclusion. The introduction should include both a single-sentence thesis statement and a mapping sentence that describes the main ideas the paper will use to defend that thesis. The introduction should also include a short description of the topic of the hearing attended (including date) and type of hearing. You will earn points both by including all of these components and by writing in a logical fashion that works to support the thesis. | 16-20 Exemplary papers will conform to the required format, including a clear mapping sentence that facilitates communication with the reader by helping them to anticipate the structure and content of the whole paper. Further, the paper follows a logical construction in support of the thesis, including topic sentences at the beginning of each paragraph that ‘echo’ the promise made in the mapping sentence. | 12-15 The introductory paragraph may include some attempt to describe the rest of the paper, but the description may not directly relate to the body of the paper. Or, there may be minor problems in terms of how the mapping is reflected in the body, or the body paragraphs may not represent a logical flow. | 11 OR LESS Less polished papers may fail to map the paper in the introduction, or there may be no connection between the mapping and the body of the paper. Further, the paper may not exhibit a sufficiently logical flow to facilitate communication or develop a defense of the thesis statement. |
WRITING Your writing needs to be at an acceptable, and professional level of communication. Voicemarkers should be used throughout the paper to differentiate your opinion/argument from the author’s. DO NOT WRITE IN THE FIRST PERSON, POINTS WILL BE DEDUCTED | 9-10 Exemplary papers are written in easily understood language that is generally free of grammatical or typographical errors. The reader will easily be able to identify shifts between testimony or parts of the hearing and the author’s opinion. | 8-9 There may be limited writing problems, but generally, the paper is easily understood and communicates its ideas in an accessible fashion. There may be some testimony/author confusion. | 7 OR LESS Less polished papers may have excessive grammatical, typographical, structural, or other problems that interfere with communication. It will be difficult to differentiate between the hearing and the author. There may also be excessive use of the first person narrative form including plural forms such as we, us, or our. |
CC 2.1.3 The essay is also graded according to how well you professionally communicate analysis of professional judgments and your ability to analyze policies and policy work in terms of how well they advance social well-being. THE REVIEW MUST BE ABOUT THE HEARING and include descriptions related to the hearing. | 45-50 Exemplary papers give the reader a substantial and clear sense of the content of the hearing, including any key testimonies or education provided, and the connection of hearing events to issues (or policies) of well-being for individuals, families, or communities. | 40-44 The paper may describe the hearing, but insufficiently considers matter of policy or well-being. Or the paper may describe relevant policies or concerns about well-being, but insufficiently describe the relevant content of the hearing. | 39 OR LESS Less polished papers will leave the reader with little or no understanding of the hearing, or little sense of how it connects to policies or well-being. |
Core Competency 2.1.5 Part of the essay grade is based on how well you demonstrate your ability to analyze sources of information in the context of a social and economic justice framework, and your understanding of the forms and mechanisms of oppression and discrimination. | 45-50 Exemplary papers not only review a hearing and its relevance to social policy, but also demonstrate a clear relevance to the social work profession by providing an explicit consideration of social and economic justice concerns, and the author’s (you!) understanding of the mechanisms of oppression and discrimination. | 40-44 The paper includes implicit relevance to or suggestions of social and economic justice concerns, but these may not always be sufficiently direct or forceful. Additionally, there may be consideration of justice issues without sufficient description of how the hearing addressed the mechanisms of oppression and discrimination (or vice versa). | 39 OR LESS Less polished papers may fail to adequately describe, consider, or analyze the manner in which the hearing did or did not connect to social work concerns about social and economic justice, or the mechanisms of oppression and discrimination. |