Portfolio Project Option #1: Submit Portfolio Outline Submit an outline of your Portfolio Project. Please review the rubric. Directions: The first step to understanding an argument is to dissect the c

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Portfolio Milestone

For the Portfolio Project I will be selecting Option #1: Paper: Evaluation and Analysis of Change Management Plan. The organization I am selecting for the project is Hewlett-Packard or HP: A Deer Caught in the Headlights. I first chose this organization due to being familiar with their products and organization as a whole. Reading the information of organizational change and the changes Carleton Fiorina planned to make becoming the new CEO, there are several talking points. Working with companies that have reached out of the company for hiring, there are pros and cons I have experienced. One major point that suck out for this topic and paper is the new CEO wanting to base her changes off a previous company she worked for assuming this will be a flawless transition.

There a several negatives that arise before Carly even took over that can be seen as red flags. These negatives are first Carly not knowing the company fully as she is an “outsider”, employee resistance to the change, along with not have embracing the idea that just because a process worked for one company does not mean it will work for all companies. With an organizational change, these are impactful components. The audience will be the board of directors for this paper. With this given information and the template, this organization has potential to be successful in an organizational change. Having been in situations where this type of transaction or hiring has occurred, I feel I could provide a strong analysis of how it could be successful in my eyes. The goal for the end analysis will be to demonstrate how this change can be successful at Hewlett-Packard.


Anderson, D. L. (2019). Organization development: The process of leading organizational

change. SAGE Publications, Incorporated.

Dawson, P. (2019). Reshaping change: A processual perspective. Routledge.

Jabri, M. (2017). Managing organizational change: Process, social construction and dialogue.


Lewis, L. (2019). Organizational change. John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated.

Stouten, J., Rousseau, D. M., & De Cremer, D. (2018). Successful organizational change:

Integrating the management practice and scholarly literatures. Academy of Management Annals12(2), 752-788.

Zell, D. (2018). Changing by design: Organizational innovation at Hewlett-Packard. Cornell

University Press.