This is a group proect. The excel file is done. Please find attach the entire instruction and the excel file completed. Answer step five discussion question and step 6, which the template is attached.

Project 3: Analyzing Financial Reports

Report to Management

[Team Name Here]

[Date Here]

[Faculty Name Here]

Compare Business Performance Using Financial Statements [Here, analytically compare and contrast the performance of Choice Hotels and Marriott International based on financial reports. Use citations where appropriate.]

Analyze Cost and Investment Decisions

[Here, write about your experience answering the questions in the Cost and Investing worksheet. Explicitly mention your recommendations for cost and pricing and elaborate on why you made that recommendation. Use citations where appropriate.]

Complete a Budget and Forecast

[Here, elaborate on your team’s development of the budget and forecast for Choice Hotels. Use citations where appropriate.]


[Here, elaborate on the strategy Choice Hotels should take to advance their company in the competitive hospitality landscape. Use citations where appropriate.]


[Use APA style references. You should consult your APA Manual or for assistance with your reference entries.]