fter reading the assigned textbook chapter, one student per team will answer a set of chapter-related questions (listed on CC) based on an imaginary business using a random word generator (https://wor

[Your name]

[Insert date]

BUS 444 / Meilich

Please name your file like that: TiPxx_LastName_FirstName.docx (xx = chapter #)

Chapter xx TiP – insert company name [for ch. 3: Industry]

Analysis and Application of the chapter’s Concepts

* Give the title / name of company and the product/service

** Highlight in bold face the concepts! Don’t forget critique (what the company did wrong, how it could be done better – again, using our concepts)

Major Heading

Blah blah blah. Thnsthesnuha thnsthanstoehusn nsthoenstuh nsantheun snthneouth sntahoe nstm snth e snth usna snt nthu adeunthda dheunh.


  • Blah blah blah. Thnsthesnuha thnsthanstoehusn nsthoenstuh nsantheun snthneouth sntahoe nstm snth e snth usna snt nthu adeunthda dheunh.

  • Ntahenuh nhnaohre, nhoenuh , hn nte nth hid htdaodeuthdao dtahoedu thdoe nhtdao nthdao diuao lpgcy bahu.


  • Blah blah blah. Thnsthesnuha thnsthanstoehusn nsthoenstuh nsantheun snthneouth sntahoe nstm snth e snth usna snt nthu adeunthda dheunh.

  • Ntahenuh nhnaohre, nhoenuh , hn nte nth hid htdaodeuthdao dtahoedu thdoe nhtdao nthdao diuao lpgcy bahu.

Major Heading

Blah blah blah. Thnsthesnuha thnsthanstoehusn nsthoenstuh nsantheun snthneouth sntahoe nstm snth e snth usna snt nthu adeunthda dheunh.


  • Blah blah blah. Thnsthesnuha thnsthanstoehusn nsthoenstuh nsantheun snthneouth sntahoe nstm snth e snth usna snt nthu adeunthda dheunh.

  • Ntahenuh nhnaohre, nhoenuh , hn nte nth hid htdaodeuthdao dtahoedu thdoe nhtdao nthdao diuao lpgcy bahu.


  • Blah blah blah. Thnsthesnuha thnsthanstoehusn nsthoenstuh nsantheun snthneouth sntahoe nstm snth e snth usna snt nthu adeunthda dheunh.

  • Ntahenuh nhnaohre, nhoenuh , hn nte nth hid htdaodeuthdao dtahoedu thdoe nhtdao nthdao diuao lpgcy bahu.


This reminds me of the xyz case. Because ….

This also reminds me of … case, because …

This also reminds me of … case, because …


Thoenhu nthenu 2008. “snthaoe.”

Tnhenu 2007. “nthoe”