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FBLOCKs Implementation Overview

Implementation of Blockchain consists of the following tasks:

1) Identify participants.

2) Identify assets.

3) Identify applications.

4) Identify transactions.

5) Identify events.

6) Identify external systems integration.

7) Identify requirements and benefits.

  1. Identifying participants:

Participants represent actors that interact with the blockchain network through applications proposing and approving transactions. Participants have a role in the business network.

Identify the participants in the FBLOCKS network by performing the following steps:

  1. List the participants in the use case business network and describe their roles.

  2. Provide examples of the type of data that each participant should be able to see and transactions they should be able to submit based on the needs of their roles.

  3. Describe the characteristics and type of blockchain network that is used in this use case, that is, a private and permissioned blockchain network.

  4. Provide examples of contractual agreements between participants.

  5. Provide examples of other participants that are not listed in FBLOCKS lifecycle use case overview that might potentially be interested in joining this business network.

For these FBLOCK implementations, we have identified the following participants:

  1. Customer (End users) – (“Name: Mark”)

  2. Supplier Admin – (“Name: Venesa”)

  3. Retailer (“Name: Janice”)

  4. Producer (“Name: Jeff”)

  5. Processor (“Name: Bell”)

  6. Distributor (“Name: Anny”)

  7. Customs (“Name: Troy”)

  8. Licenses Authority (“Name: Jack”)

  9. FBlocks Admin (“Name: FblocksTeam”)

These participants work together on Keeping valid operational license, Entering the products data, Accessing historical production data, Allowing participants to access the data on the network, authorizing the data to be stored in system.

Parties join the network by invitation only and must be validated by either the network starter or by a set of rules that is put in place by the network starter.

Parties may perform transactions and see data based on their role in the network. All parties in the network must be kept updated; they all must trust that the information that they receive is reliable to enable them to work together efficiently.

Each party has a different view of the Food products data in the network.

  • FBlocks Admin Responsible for developing the UI, Allowing/defining the access level for participants, creating smart contract for approval in various stages and maintaining the users/applications. Provide a User-interface to the customer, Supplier admin and the Retailer.

  • Supplier Admin uses the FBlock UI to login, enter customer details and verify the data.

  • Retailer use FBlock UI to login and access the product’s historical data through Operation licenses and update the block with the new production data.

  • Licenses Authority uses FBlock UI to verify the validity and authenticity of Licenses data

  • Producer Uploads data on feed, veterinary reports, facility conditions sanitation and food safety measures, other certifications and farm location.

  • Processor Uploads data on storage and slaughter conditions, and food safety compliance, lot number, certifications and QR codes.

  • Distributor Uploads data on shipment and delivery details, storage and transport conditions, and warehouse and vehicle food safety and sanitation measures.

  • Customs Uploads data on holding times, testing results, custom clearing details. Allows entry for products and custom duties are automatically dispersed by smart contact.

  1. Identifying Assets:

Assets often represent something of value for the participants. Assets can be tangible and

Physical, such as Fruits, Vegetables, or meat or intangible and virtual, such as patents, and stock certificates.

Identify the assets in the FBLOCKS blockchain network by performing the following steps:

  1. List the assets in the use case business network.

  2. Provide examples of attributes and characteristics for each asset.

  3. Provide examples showing assets being updated through the use case and exchanged between participants.

  4. Explain how asset ownership and asset transfer are maintained in systems that do not use blockchain technology.

  5. Explain how asset ownership and asset transfer are maintained in blockchain solutions.

In our FBLOCK network the following can be possible assets:

  • Operation licenses

  • Batch Number data

  • Place of origin

  • Manufacture data

  • Inspection date

  • Certificate files

  • Permission control

  1. Identifying Applications:

Participants interact with the blockchain business network through applications. Applications submit or propose transactions that must be approved (endorsed) by the participants before they are recorded in the ledger.

Identify the applications in the FBLOCKS blockchain network by performing the following steps:

  1. List the applications that the participants in the FBLOCK blockchain network to interact with the blockchain network.

  2. Describe the blockchain component (which defines the business rules) that applications use to create proposed transactions.

In our FBLOCKS blockchain network, FBLOCK admin will provide application (UI)

  • Responsible for developing the UI.

  • Allowing/defining the access level for participants, creating smart contract for approval in various stages and maintaining the users/applications.

  • Provide a User-interface to the customer, Supplier admin and the Retailer.

  1. Identifying transactions

Transactions represent the actual transactions that are registered on the blockchain ledger, which is initiated by a participant, and that are related to one or more assets. Transactions are recorded in the ledger and cannot be updated.

Identify transactions in the FBLOCKS blockchain network by performing the following steps:

  1. Provide examples of transactions in the FBLOCK lifecycle.

  2. Describe the blockchain component where transactions are recorded.

  3. Describe the process by which the participants in the network approve a transaction.

For our FBLOCK blockchain network,

  • The examples of transactions includes scanning operation licenses, validating licenses data, entering products data, Accessing production historical data, creating new products data and allowing users to view products data

  1. Identifying events

Events are notifications of significance. Blockchain applications can publish and subscribe to events in the blockchain network. This approach can be used to trigger business processes automatically.

Identify events in the FBLOCK blockchain network by performing the following steps:

  1. List at least two events in the FBLOCKS lifecycle network.

  2. Provide examples of business processes that can be triggered by those events.

For the FBLOCK blockchain network, the following events are identified:

  • Scanning operational licenses (by supplier admin)

  • Accessing products history (by retailer)

  • Validate operational license details (by Licenses Authority)

  • Add new product data (by retailer)

  1. Identifying external systems integration

Blockchain components might need to interact with external systems by importing information from them into the blockchain network or exporting information from the blockchain to the external systems. Blockchain networks provide a publish and subscribe service that is based on events to enable integration with external systems.

Identify examples of integration with external systems in the FBLOCKS blockchain network by performing the following steps:

  1. Provide an example of integration with external systems in the Licenses authority network where the patient’s personal and identity data flows from the external system to the FBLOCK blockchain business network.

  2. Provide an example of integration with external systems in hospitals network where patient’s health and historical treatment data flows from the FBLOCKS blockchain business network to the external system.

  1. Identifying requirements and benefits

Identify requirements that the participants in the FBLOCKS blockchain lifecycle network might have, explain how blockchain addresses those requirements, and describe the associated


Perform the following steps:

1. Provide examples of requirements that “Mark” the customer, “Venesa” the Supplier Admin,

“Janice” the Retailer, and “Jack” the Licenses authority staff might have.

2. Explain how blockchain addresses the participants' requirements.

3. Provide examples of the benefits of using blockchain technology.