Assignment Content Using the scenario presented in Week Two and the templates provided in the resources below, complete the following: A 1- to 2-page Risk Registry accurately documenting the risk elem

CYB/207 v2

Wk 3 – Assignment Template

PHI/EPHI Policy Template


<Indicate the version of the policy, its revision date, and the approver.>


This policy prohibits the use, storage, and discloser of Personal Health Information (PHI) and Electronic Personal Heal information (EPHI), except as specifically permitted or required by HIPAA regulation.


<Describe who this applies to in the organization.>


1. <Provide accurate definitions used in the policy, like PHI.>

2. <State how data must be stored (e.g., encrypted).>

3. <Indicate covered entities.>

4. <Indicate the consequences for a confidentiality breach.>

5. <Indicate what standards the policy follows (e.g., NIST SP800-53).>

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