This is part 2 that needs to be done:(I ATTACHED ASSESSMENT 1)The question I came up with: How do families of different cultures cope with mental illness. Please change it if it's not right.It has to


Full Title of Your Paper

Learner’s Full Name (no credentials)

Capella University


Leave this blank until Chapter 4.

It is necessary to complete the abstract after the entire project has been developed. The abstract contains an abbreviated overview of the entire project. This overview will reference the following elements of the project:

The Research Question_________________________________

The Research Problem: _____________________________________

The Significance of the Study:_______________________________

Theory or theories that apply to the concepts associated with the RQ:________________

A Narrative describing the qualitative approach planned, implications for stakeholders, significance to the scientific community, and a description of expected results. The abstract is one concise paragraph.

Keywords: [Add keywords here.]

Table of Contents


Background of the Study 1

Statement of the Problem 1

Purpose of the Study 1

Significance of the Study 1

Research Question 1

Definition of Terms 1

Research Design 1

Summary 1


Theoretical Orientation for the Study 1

Review of the Literature 1

Synthesis of the Research Findings 1

Critique of Previous Research Methods 1

Summary 1


Purpose of the Study 1

Research Question 1

Target Population 1

Recruitment Strategy 1

Sampling Design (purposive for qualitative) 1

Procedure 1

Analysis 1

Ethical Considerations 1



Implications 1

Methodological Strengths and Weaknesses 1

Suggestions for Future Research 1


An introduction is a needed section in this chapter. I am sure some of what you put into your background section could be placed here. You want to give a general overview of what you are writing about. What is known so far; what information do we not know; address what themes will be identified in the lit review; qualitative or quantitative; summarize what you should find……remember this is an introduction so all of this information should be brief. This section should not be more than 1 page.

Mental illness is one of the largest disabilities people face in the world. According to (What is Mental Illness, 2017), a mental illness is a disease of the brain that causes mild to severe disturbances in thought and/or behavior, resulting in an inability to cope with life’s ordinary demands and routines. What is Mental Illness (2017), also reports that there are more than 200 classified forms of mental illnesses. A few of the more common mental illnesses are depression, bipolar disorder, dementia, schizophrenia and anxiety disorders (What is Mental Illness, 2017). The topic of mental illness needs to be researched more because there can never be enough information on the subject. Since this is a worldwide issue, new information can help others develop new treatment plans, strategies, and even new medications that would be able to ease the stress of families that are caring for a person who suffers from any one of these diseases. The purpose of this research is to find out how families of different cultures cope with mental illnesses. The information provided may be very helpful for others to learn new ways from other cultures on effective ways to deal with some mental illnesses in a new way. This research will conduct qualitative methods to gather important information. The end results should provide important information on how families from different cultures deals with mental illnesses amongst family members.

[Note, the Final draft of Chapter 1 is typically written after the entire project has been completed and just prior to the Abstract. It is completed in assignment 4 and includes a description of the research problem and an explanation that describes how the research problem led to the current research question. In the introduction you will summarize briefly what is known so far about the phenomena under investigation; describe what needs to be known in order to advance the knowledge base; address briefly the major themes identified in the literature review; summarize the design approach, identify whether it is qualitative or quantitative; summarize briefly the expected results; summarize implications for the research community; and apply ethical principles and standards of psychology to the research proposal. The introduction section is added before the Background of the Study. It is important to understand that the project is iterative. You will work on, change and refine all elements of the project. In your initial submission, begin to provide an evidence-based rationale for each of the sections listed below.]

Background of the Study

This is were you dig into the previous research and your topic. What do we already know? Basically, what led you to your choses topic; what is the history behind your chosen topic?

More than 60 million Americans have a mental illness (What is Mental Illness, 2017). This affects one in four adults and one in five children (What is Mental Illness, 2017). Research has proven that mental illnesses can be triggered by many different factors such as cancer, diabetes and heart disease (What is Mental Illness, 2017). Mental illness and mental health in general are influenced by the mixture of biological and hereditary causes, psychology and culture (Andrade, 2017). Reactions to environmental stresses, genetic factors, biochemical imbalances can also be the cause of one’s mental illness (Andrade, 2017). Mental illness affects the way people live their lives and has a huge impact on the way they view themselves as a person. Some people can’t care for themselves and must depend on someone, such as a family member, to help them. How does this illness affect the caregiver? Caring for anyone that is sick can be a hard task but caring for someone who has a mental illness such as bipolar disorder can be very challenging. When caring for a loved one, people tend to put everything else aside and make that person their focus point. At what point is this a bad thing?

What do we know so far about the area of the literature that you reviewed?

It is known that mental illness can affect a person’s life physically and mentally causing them to need care and support from others. Without the right support, the caregiver may become overwhelmed and frustrated at the person they are providing the care for.

What do you think we need to know to advance the knowledge base?

More research needs to be conducted on how families and caregivers can balance and cope with the daily tasks of caring for someone with a mental illness.

How will this new knowledge serve the stakeholders (scientists, care providers, families, patients, institutions) that may in turn be served by implementation of new developments?

This new information can be used to help families and caregivers formulate new and old strategies of providing care for someone who suffers from mental illnesses. This new information may help someone who has been struggling finally see there are ways of coping with taking care of the individual and maintaining their own sanity.

Statement of the Problem

The ideal outline here is (this is not word for word) …. We know that mental illness is a large disease that affects millions across the world__________________, we know that families and caregivers struggle to provide the necessary care for people struggling with mental illnesses while also trying to maintain their own health_____________________, we don’t know how families from different cultures cope with family members who suffer from mental illnesses__________________

Identify the gap in research or the need for additional research in your area.

The need for additional research in mental health is needed because this subject will never get old and there needs to be new and accurate information available for others to relay on when looking for help. Some mental illnesses can be controlled with therapy and medications, but they are no cures (NIH, 2007). Just like any other illness, people search for answers. There can never be enough information posted and researched. Additional research can provide that glimmer of hope for a family that is looking for a guide when taking care of their loved one.

Purpose of the Study

This is the “why”. Here you want to state your case and try to convince the reader why we need to research this thing. Why do we need to research this? Are you resolving a problem with previous research? Are you extending a theory? Are you solving a social problem?

Mental health studies save lives, relieves serious anxiety and increases quality of life. This research is being carried out because we see to many cases of families falling out over the care of their loved ones. Families are in distress because they don’t know how to balance the care of their loved ones and themselves. Caregivers are going into depression because they don’t fully understand the disease this person is dealing with and they are taking the situation person. Researchers need to understand the problems families and caregivers face when dealing with these issues. Adding more research to what is already known will provide people with more options and hopeful see a better outcome of mental health support amongst families.

Why does the problem deserve new research?

Are you resolving inconsistency in previous research? Extending the reach of a theory? Solving a social problem?

Significance of the Study

This is where we discuss the stakeholders; how will the research help there? How will what is known in this research contribute to scientific knowledge base we already have?

Describe the significance of the proposed investigation by explaining how the results promise to advance the scientific knowledge base. In three sentences or more, explain how this inquiry is original.

The provided information from the research will be able to give families and caregivers more information on ways they can cope with mental illness within their family. Mental health research can encourage societies and institutions to adapt more effectively to people with mental health issues, help educate their families, and to continue to build mentally stable communities.

Research Question

State question and whether qualitative or quantitative

Articulate whether the research question is a qualitative or a quantitative question and provide a rationale. For Qualitative research questions, include your constructs.

Research question: How does families from different cultures deal with mental illnesses. The information used for this research paper will be formatted using the qualitative research method. Surveys, participants, documents, and different studies will be used to provide the needed information to gain more knowledge on this subject.

Definition of Terms

Define the terms as they will be used in your study

For a qualitative study, the definition of terms should relate to how the participants should interpret the definitions.

Mental illness- Mental illnesses are health conditions involving changes in emotion, thinking or behavior (or a combination of these) (What Is Mental Illness, n.d). Mental illnesses are associated with distress and/or problems functioning in social, work or family activities (What Is Mental Illness, n.d.).

Qualitative research- Qualitative research is empirical research where the data are not in the form of numbers (McLeod, 2019). Qualitative researchers study things in their natural settings, attempting to make sense of, or interpret, phenomena in terms of the meanings people bring to them (McLeod, 2019).

Research Design

This is a qualitative study so how will you go about it? There are 5 designs associated with a qualitative method; which design will you be using (case study, grounded theory, etc). Talk about the design and why it fits your study. You will mention the relevant APA codes that will be followed in this study; but no details on how in this chapter.

Discuss the method and how the question will be answered. Be sure to make mention of the relevant APA Code of Ethics, but not how you intend to address them. How you will address the codes and ensure they are adhered to will be covered in Chapter 3.


Add a brief summary


Note, this is typically the entry point for beginning the project. It is important to understand that the project is iterative. You will work on, change and refine all elements of the project. You will begin by understanding and synthesizing what is known so far in the Literature Review, (Chapter 2).

Theoretical Orientation for the Study

The Literature Review provides detailed information about theory that applies to the research topic, theory that applies to the research method, population(s) studied and key concepts under review. Seminal and current sources are analyzed and evaluated thematically. The research problem is identified.

Review of the Literature

It is essential that the literature review be organized with reference to themes identified in articles that you have read. It is not acceptable to organize the literature review article by article or one article at a time. You need to include 5 or more current research articles for your literature review and review the research design, the research question, the research hypothesis, the sample demographics, the methodology and what instruments were given and how, the data collection and process, the data analysis procedures and the findings, the best practices and guidelines related to diversity and ethical issues. This is not an annotated bibliography.

Synthesis of the Research Findings

Synthesize the research reviewed in the review of the literature section.

Critique of Previous Research Methods

Critique the research reviewed in the review of the literature section.


Add a brief summary


Purpose of the Study

The introductory paragraph addresses the research problem or proposes to fill the gap in the literature. It includes the purpose of the proposed research and presents formally the Research Question. The purpose is to answer the research question. State your Research Question in the form of a question in the introductory paragraph for Chapter 3. As you prepare this section of this chapter review the characteristics of Qualitative Research Questions:

  1. Qualitative Research questions ask for description and interpretation of phenomena through the identification of socially constructed themes and categories.

  2. Qualitative questions address concepts associated with thoughts, feelings, and actions that are not necessarily accessible with empirical methods of measurement.

  3. Qualitative data take the form of stories, narratives and observations.

  4. Qualitative questions identify the target population and phenomena under consideration.

  5. Qualitative questions do not test empirically measured data.

Research Question

Conclude the introductory paragraph to Chapter 3, by writing out the Research Question. Add your constructs.

Target Population

As you describe the target population you will include:

Information about the number of participants.

Information about inclusion and exclusion criteria; describe how you decide who can participate in the study and who cannot.

Recruitment strategy

Sampling design (purposive for qualitative)


As you describe the procedures you will include:

Information about materials used for data collection.

Information about the location where data collection takes place

Information about the time required for data collection

Information about the instruments used to collect data. Instruments used vary widely and can include audio and video recording equipment, pen and paper, interventions, observation journals, member-checking documents and so on, depending on the requirements indicated in the research question.

Information about the order of steps taken to obtain data.

Information about how data will be recorded and transferred into a transcript or documents, audio or video, ready for analysis.

When using an interview guide or observation check sheet that is also included.


Analysis describes strategies for analyzing the narratives offered by participants. Once the data has been transcribed into a format for interpretation, typically “words on the page”, and then it can be interpreted. Analysis uses strategies that interpret meaning components from words, phrases and narratives into interpreted conceptual descriptions across transcripts.

Ethical Considerations

The APA Code of Ethics that apply to your study and research design should be addressed, including both APA standard and principles.


For the expected findings/results, use the literature reviewed in Chapter 2 To anticipate findings that are likely to result from the collection and interpretation of data. Note: that some results that are not expected are possible and should be addressed in this chapter.



Implications of the potential results are discussed, implications for wide range of potential stakeholders is addressed, significance to the scientific community and the potential to address the research problem is discussed, limitations of the study are addressed, and suggestions for future research are offered.

Methodological Strengths and Weaknesses

Suggestions for Future Research

The suggestions for future research should close the gap on the methodological limitations.


McLeod, S. A. (2019, July 30). Qualitative vs. quantitative research. Simply Psychology.

National Institutes of Health (US); Biological Sciences Curriculum Study. NIH Curriculum Supplement Series [Internet]. Bethesda (MD): National Institutes of Health (US); 2007. Information about Mental Illness and the Brain. Available from:

What is Mental Illness? (2017, December 18). Retrieved May 08, 2020, from

What Is Mental Illness? (n.d.). Retrieved May 10, 2020, from