Case study attached, with credible references. Answer the following questions: · What are some violence indicators an employee might display? · What are some actions management can take to help preven

5/12/2020 Print Preview 1/1 Chapter 12: Promoting Safety and Health: Case Study 1 Rambo Goes V iolent Book Title: Managing Human Resources Printed By: Cedric T urner ([email protected]) © 2016 Cengage Learning, Cengage Learning Chapter Review Case Study 1 Rambo Goes V iolent The facts of the case are straightforward. A shop floor dispute at an automobile parts manufacturing plant in Hamilton, Iowa, ended with one worker killing another . At about 2:00 p.m., police responded to a report of a fight that erupted between two employees. When members of the Hamilton Police Department’s Violent Crime Unit arrived, they found Mark Lomas seriously injured. Lomas, 30, died three hours later at Good Samaritan Memorial Hospital. The other employee, Thomas W aycross, was charged with second-degree murder .

During the investigation of the incident, employees noted that Lomas and W aycross often “bickered” when working together. One employee remarked that Waycross liked to “act tough.” Another employee claimed that W aycross had a “Rambo-type” personality. It was widely known that management had told both employees to “learn to get along” or quit.

When asked about the incident, police spokesperson Kathy Calder remarked, “Employers must be vigilant when monitoring for signs of potential workplace violence.” Nancy Lomas, Mark’s wife, has filed a negligence lawsuit against the company . Questions 1. What are some violence indicators an employee might display? 2. What are some actions management can take to help prevent workplace violence? 3. How can employees protect themselves against workplace violence? Source: Adapted from a case known to one of the authors. All names are fictitious. Chapter 12: Promoting Safety and Health: Case Study 1 Rambo Goes V iolent Book Title: Managing Human Resources Printed By: Cedric T urner ([email protected]) © 2016 Cengage Learning, Cengage Learning © 2020 Cengage Learning Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this work may by reproduced or used in any form or by any means - graphic, electronic, or mechanical, or in any other manner - without the written permission of the copyright holder .