concept map

Concept Map Instructions

Health Promotion

For this concept map, your main topic will be health promotion.

Subtopics should include:

  • Please use your Jarvis textbook Chapter 4 for guidance along, with Fundamentals book Chapter 6.

  • What is important for “health promotion”.

  • You need at least 5 subtopics for your topic.

Each subtopic should include at least 4 supporting characteristics for that subtopic.

Health promotion topics can include immunization programs, routine exercise, adequate nutrition, physical awareness, stress management, safe sex practices and self-responsibility.

APA format is not required on this assignment, but correct spelling and grammar should be used.

Please review the grading rubric before completing and submitting your concept map.

Internal variables- list internal variables related to health promotion and wellness, including a person’s developmental stage, intellectual background, perception of functioning, and emotional and spiritual factors.

External variables- list external variables related to health promotion and wellness influencing a person’s health beliefs and practices including family practices, socioeconomic factors, and cultural background.

Primary prevention- include supporting characteristics which describe, define, or give examples of primary and true prevention that lowers the chances that a disease will develop; aimed at health promotion includes health education programs, immunizations, nutritional programs, and physical fitness activities.

Secondary prevention- include supporting characteristics which describe, define, or give examples of secondary prevention which focuses on who have health problems or illnesses and are at risk for developing complications or worsening conditions; delivered in homes, hospitals, or skilled nursing facilities.

Tertiary prevention- include supporting characteristics which describe, define, or give examples of tertiary prevention. This type of prevention occurs when a defect or disability is permanent or irreversible; aims to help patients achieve as high a level of functioning as possible. This level of care is called preventive care because it involves preventing further disability or reduced functioning.

Grading Rubric

8-10 points

Concepts (Knowledge)- concepts are significantly related to topic and clearly demonstrate understanding of relationship of concepts

Hierarchical Structure (Communication)- concepts are connected in hierarchical manner from less complex to more complex

Linkages (Thinking)- most relationships of topics are accurate and demonstrate linkage between each topic

Cross Links (Application)- cross links demonstrate basic relationships between two or more segments of the concept map

5-7 points

Concepts (Knowledge)- concepts demonstrate some related relationships to topic

Hierarchical Structure (Communication)- some concepts are connected in hierarchical manner

Linkages (Thinking)- relationships of topics demonstrate some relationship between topics

Cross Links (Application)- demonstrates some cross links of relationships between some segments of the concept map

1-4 points

Concepts (Knowledge)- concepts demonstrate insufficient concepts related to topic

Hierarchical Structure (Communication)- only a few concepts demonstrate a hierarchical manner

Linkages (Thinking)- concept map only demonstrate some relationships of topics and demonstrate errors in linking words

Cross Links (Application)- cross links demonstrate relationships between two or more segments of the concept map