Watch the video: Fill out two more sections of your business model canvas: Define your Value Proposition, and Define Your Channel Strategies Define your Value PropositionYo

Green Drive Logistics is a company that deals with the supply of farm products. Our office is located at 23rd avenue Street in Seattle, Washington DC. We source fresh products that include kales, tomatoes, onions, broccoli and any other vegetable products from the local farms and supply them in the local market. Our customer base is the local retailing grocery stalls in Seattle and open air vegetable traders in Seattle Municipality. We are currently in talks with the major supermarkets in the area so that they can give us an opportunity to be part of their supplier’s team. Our goal is to ensure every household in Seattle District gets a farm product that has been grown in the local farms. We commenced operations in 2015 and we are currently in the third year of large scale supplies. Our vision statement “Healthy Diet for a Sustainable Body” helps to educate people on the importance including vegetables in every meal that they take.

Green Drive Logistics has fourteen employees, five drivers and five co-drivers, two marketers, one accountant and one operations manager. Proximity to the farms that produce the vegetables gives the company an advantage over other competing companies in the vicinity.