In a Microsoft Word document of 4-5 pages formatted in APA style, describe the information collected about a person with a chronic illness. Please note that the title and reference pages should not be


The Impact of Chronic Illness

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According to the data analysis model that was used, the patient exhibited and illustrated system that that clearly outlined a heart condition. Therefore the questionnaire helped in a significant way to establish the situation and mitigation that could be put in place to handle the development of the illness. In most cases, chronic heart diseases come along with another related state that attacks the condition. They include obesity, high blood pleasure, and massive consumption of alcohol, which risk an individual to attracting top changes of a heart attack. The patient has been attending regular checkups since the mass body weight was increasing beyond far beyond the bar (Stephen Buetow, 2011). To prove that he was suffering from heart disease the first evaluation platform was enquiring about the level of blood pleasure. Unfortunately, the test showed immersive levels of blood pleasure since it was at stage two, giving a 140 greater systolic. This was determined after the patient blood test had electrolytes, a high level of nitrogen, and more a high level of keratinizing. This test was a process that has been done in less than 12 months before the day of determination. This was the first day when the patient has experienced such a high level of blood pleasure and had not begun taking medication.

Nevertheless, the taking of medication would play a significant role in regulating the condition. In a broad scope, the patient exhibited a diuretic condition; it has a great connection to the kidney. As a result, chlorthalidone, indapamide, and metazine would help in handling the illness and stabilizing blood pleasure (Ashley Welch, 2018).

After establishing that the patient had a heart condition, and it was getting worse, the family member was in a position to convince purse upon his acceptance and the diagnosis processes. From a professional point of view, one of the primary reasons that were igniting the condition was poor diets, as indicated in the questionnaire, there was a need to manage foods as it was the primary source of cholesterol that was affecting the regular running of the heart. The worse of it all was that the patient did not participate in a vigorous activity that would enable the burring of excessive carioles that have excessively been taken. Consequently, the family members, therefore, maintained that the patient was feeding higher diets as the medics have directed to control the weight. This was a blood cholesterol management that would about two years before it counted normal. The menu has to focus more on reducing sodium in the diet and as triggered a reasonable regulation and flow of blood. Considering that the patient did not have a family history of heart illness and substance abuse, there have significant changes in controlling heart diseases. The patient was aged 60s; this was a clear indication that having an ankle-brachial index checkup would prove whether the patient is recovering or not. For a fact, the heart-related condition should be closely monitored to avoid the negative implication that can be caused if the condition worsens (Acampora, 2018).

Copping skills, treatment and support aspect

After discovering the illness, there measures that would help the patient have a practical copping approach. The quality of life assurance and coping skills remain a crucial consideration since they enable a patient to reduce stress. Heart chronic diseases require education and awareness to allow the patient to understand the condition and response to various medical interventions that has been put in place, my medical professionals. One of the coping approaches is rolling out emotional coater that will figure out the negative implication. This captures emotions, feelings, and sadness that come along after one has been diagnosed with such a condition. The nature of these skills enables us to have an effective cardiovascular, and psychological health promotes design in cross-sectional protectiveness (Andrew Sherwood, 2018) 

In this regard, the process of control and treatment processes is done in various approaches. This heart condition measure is initiated to reduce the higher risk caused by comorbidity. The treatment is based on change lifestyle and medication processes of heart-related diseases. When the condition has worsened, stent placement involves a wire mesh that triggers Angioplasty in the artery permanently. Alternatively, Angioplasty is a factor that can be considered to fatten the bubble and slower the permanent effect that would have been caused by heart illness. When the condition has exceeded the spectrum, bypass surgery is very critical when removing arteries and vein that has clogged. His surgery can be threaded and rerouted to improve the blood supply of blood; cardiac magnetic resonance gives imaging that is used by my doctor when providing comprehensive medical care. When the related health case has not taken radiofrequency, ablation is mainly used in used to control a condition when the heart rhythm, mainly when an individual has been abusing substances (Ashley Welch, 2018).

The catheter processes and electrode are used to restore heart muscles and signals. Disorders abnormalities and long term hypertension have a reduced stimulate and require a mild radiofrequency to invoke energy transmission in the system. Nevertheless, this is determined by the scales and effect that has been caused by the condition. Based on the questionnaire, the betting approach for the patient was adopting a medical procedure and a total change of lifestyle. The heart was affected by the increased weight and massive deposited of fat in the blood system. This information was very significant in providing a roll out for the caregiving plan. It has directorates that give the approach which will be used to administer medical care. The care plan communicates the practical strategies that assist in planning a professional model of treatment (Transamerica, 2017).

Copy of interview

  1. When was the last you had your blood pressure checked

  • Less than 12 months ago

  • More than 12 months ago

  • Never tested

  1. What was the state of your blood pressure?

  • Normal

  • High

  • Not sure

  1. If high, do you currently take medicines to manage it?

  • Yes

  • No

  1. Any healthy eating that you have adopted? Tick where appropriate

  • Cutting down on salt intake to manage blood pressure ie, don't consume it anymore or reduced intake.

  • Reducing alcohol consumption

  • You are engaging in physical activity like exercising.

  • All of the above

  • None of the above

Blood cholesterol management.

  1. Have you ever had your blood cholesterol checked?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Unsure

  1. When was the last time you had it checked?

  • More than five years ago

  • More than two years ago

  • Within the last two years

  • Not sure

  1. What was the status of your blood cholesterol level?

  • Normal

  • High

  • Not sure

  1. Have you ever consulted a health professional on why your blood cholesterol is high?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Not sure

  1. If yes, explain in a few words why the doctor said it was high

The doctor provided a plan that I should strictly follow to reduce the massive deposit of cholesterol in the bloodstream

Well done!

Engagement in physical activity

Physical activities may be considered as slight, moderate, or vigorous. The light activity includes strolling, lighthouse chore, where an individual can do while talking or singing. Moderate exercises make your heart beat faster than usual, and someone doing it can speak but not sing. Include swimming, aerobics, fast walking, or lifting weights. The third class of physical activities involves vigorous exercises like running, basketball, jogging, or hiking steep hills.

  1. How many days per week do you engage in moderate exercise for at least 40 minutes?

Two days per week Saturday and Sunday (enter 0 if none)

  1. How many days per week do you engage in vigorous activities for at least 20 minutes?

0 days (enter 0 if none)

  1. Do you have a plan to get more physically active per week?

  • Yes within the next one month

  • Yes within the next six months

  • No, maybe after six months

Symptoms of heart attack

  1. Do you think the following are signs of a heart attack (you may say yes, no or not sure)

  • Feeling weak, faint and lightheaded ____________

  • Swelling of the legs and feet____________

  • Sudden trouble in sight_______________

  • Chest, jaw or neck pains and discomfort yes

  • Shortness of breath ______________


Acampora, C. L. (2018). Marketing chiropractic to medical practices. Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Andrew Sherwood. (2018). Coping effectively with heart failure (COPE-HF): Design and rationale of a telephone-based coping skills intervention. Retrieved from

Ashley Welch. (2018, May 21). Treatment and prevention of heart disease. Retrieved from

Stephen Buetow. (2011, April 1). Coping strategies in the self-management of chronic heart failure. Retrieved from

Transamerica. (2017). How to help prevent heart disease at any age. Retrieved from