The reading journal is simply a synopsis of ONE of these articles. DO NOT wait until the last moment to pick up the articles. The material can be a little difficult and you will probably need to rad t

Rubrics for Assignment


90 - 100% Excellent

80 – 89% Good

70 – 79% Fair

Below 70% Poor



Complete in all respects;

  1. Article identified

  2. Synopsis of article

  3. Opinion

  4. 4 pages

  5. 12-font

  6. Double-spaced

Complete in most respects; reflects most requirements

Incomplete in many respects; reflects few requirements

Incomplete in most respects; does not reflect requirements

Analysis, evaluation, and opinion


Presents detailed, realistic, and appropriate opinion clearly supported by the information presented and concepts from the reading

Presents specific, realistic, and appropriate opinion supported by the information presented and concepts from the reading

Presents realistic or appropriate opinion supported by the information presented and concepts from the reading

Presents an incomplete analysis of the issues identified



Supplements assignment with relevant and extensive research into the topic of the article; clearly and thoroughly documents all sources of information

Supplements assignment with relevant research into the topic of the article; documents all sources of information

Supplements assignment with limited research into the topic of the article; provides limited documentation of sources consulted

Supplements assignment, if at all, with incomplete research and documentation

Writing mechanics


Writing demonstrates a sophisticated clarity, conciseness, and correctness; includes thorough details and relevant data and information; extremely well-organized

Writing is accomplished in terms of clarity and conciseness and contains only a few errors; includes sufficient details and relevant data and information; well-organized

Writing lacks clarity or conciseness and contains numerous errors; gives insufficient detail and relevant data and information; lacks organization

Writing is unfocused, rambling, or contains serious errors; lacks detail and relevant data and information; poorly organized