The assignment is due in 8 hrs and the writer must send solutions for questions as he progresses. If you have not specialized in finance and can't guarantee an A-grade please don't bother bidding my w


  1. There are 2 sections in this paper. You should answer section A and 3 questions from section B.

  2. The page limit is 6 pages including graphs. Format: font size 12, normal margins (2.54 cm) and 1.5 spacing.

  3. Paste any required diagrams and graphs for your answers directly onto the answer sheet using software or uploaded photos.

  4. If you would like to include references, enter them in the text as a footnote

SECTION A – You must answer this question.

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This question is worth 40 marks.

Question 1

Discuss how the exchange rate regimes adopted in Italy and the UK affect these countries’ ability to use monetary and fiscal policy to mitigate the economic impact of the Coronavirus pandemic. Explain in detail with reference to the models studied in the course and link your answer to the policy measures that are being implemented in these countries.

SECTION B – Answer THREE questions from Section B

Each question is worth 20 marks.

Question 1

Suppose the home country is the UK and the foreign country is the US. The exchange rate is in British pounds per US dollar (