Please answer all the questions in the attachment files.


  1. What vitamins did your intake of vitamins meet 100%?

  2. Identify each nutrient that was less than 75%.

    1. Identify 1 reason why each of the deficient vitamin(s) are needed by your body.

    2. List 2-3 foods that are high for each low nutrient that you could easily add to your eating pattern.

  3. List any nutrients that were above 200% DRI.

    1. For each vitamin that is high, list the foods that caused the excess.

    1. Explain if the vitamin was high because the food was enriched/fortified or if the food is naturally high in this nutrient.

    1. If the nutrient is high because of a supplement, please mention that as well. Does the amount exceed the Upper Limit (UL)?


  1. Did your intake of minerals meet 100%?

  2. Identify each nutrient that was less than 75%.

    1. Identify 1 reason why each of the deficient mineral(s) are needed by your body.

    2. List 2-3 foods that are high for each low nutrient that you could easily add to your eating pattern.

  3. List the nutrients that were above 200% DRI.

    1. For each mineral that is high, list the foods that caused the excess.

    1. Explain if the mineral was high because the food was enriched/fortified or if the food is naturally high in this nutrient.

    1. If the nutrient is high because of a supplement, please mention that as well. Does the amount exceed the Upper Limit (UL)?

Micronutrients overview:

  1. Are there any overall changes to your macronutrient intake (CHOs, protein, fats) and food groups that would help with improvements needed for micronutrient intake (vitamins/minerals) described above?

Example: “I found that I was low in vitamin C, a nutrient typically found in fresh fruits and vegetables. My carbohydrate intake is lower than the recommended 45-65%, but my dietary protein intake was 50% more than recommended. If I substitute 2 servings of protein for 3 or more servings of fruits and vegetables, my carbohydrate percentage would increase and my protein percentage would decrease. The fruits and vegetables would improve my intake of vitamin C.”

  1. With these dietary changes do you believe it is possible to reach your recommended micronutrient needs? Is there any reason for you to take a supplement versus focus on dietary changes? Please answer with more than a “yes” or “no”.

Statements such as “I don’t need to make any changes.” will not be acceptable for credit. Explain, in detail, what you’re doing well that makes it unnecessary for you to make changes.

Overall Diet Summary:

  1. What have you learned about your dietary intake while doing this project?

What are you doing well regarding your eating pattern?

What could you do to improve?

Please include the following in your answer:

  • Meal patterns (skipping meals, too long between meals, snacks, etc.)

  • Fluid intake (water vs. other beverages)

  • Frequency eating out or processed foods

  • How often do you pre-plan meals and/or cook for yourself.

  1. Provide 3 specific, small, examples of any dietary improvements you made over the semester. Describe any challenges or rewards for making those changes.


a. How does your alcohol intake compare to the “one drink for women, or two drinks for men per day” (for those who drink) recommendation? If you do not or seldom consume alcohol, indicate as such.

b. If you consume alcohol, but did not do so during this project, discuss your typical consumption patterns and compare them with the Dietary Guidelines stated in “a” above.

c. Alcoholism is a very real problem on college campuses and in society in general.

  • List four warning signs that a friend may be abusing alcohol.

  • List five consequences of alcohol abuse

  • Identify at least 2 symptoms that would indicate that a person who’s consumed alcohol needs immediate, emergency medical attention

4. Conclusion

In a short paragraph, share some of your thoughts about this project. Was it a valuable undertaking as you learned about nutrition? Is there something that would have made this project more interesting or valuable?