I have 2 assignment ( part A & B ) related to each other for my REC 2100 (Introduction to Leisure Travel) course I am hoping to get these research reports done by you guys as i am having hard tim

Running head: SHORT TITLE OF YOUR PAPER 1 Case Study Part A: Example of a clever , descriptive and appropriate title Student Name University of Manitoba Author Note: Student Name, Faculty, University of Manitoba This paper was written for Introduction to Leisure Travel ( REC 21 00 ) and Dr. Jill Bueddefeld on Date, 20 20 . Running head: SHORT TITLE OF YOUR PAPER 2 Table of Contents INTRODUCTION ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ .................... 3 P RESENT D EMAND ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................ 3 IMPACT OF TOURISM ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ........... 3 TOURISM MANAGEMENT ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ..... 3 TOURISM PLANNING AND MARKETING ................................ ................................ ................................ ................ 3 CONCLUSION ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................ 3 ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ 4 Commented [JB1]: Any format of a table of contents is okay, but it should clearly have headings and page numbers.

Note, you will only have page numbers for the intro and references so far, and that’s okay! Running head: SHORT TITLE OF YOUR PAPER 3 Introduction Here you should write your brief introduction about the history of tourism in the area that you have chosen and describe the current demand. This section should be approximately 1 – 1.5 pages. Tables and figures do not count in the wor d / page count. Present Demand Use sub - headings if you feel that helps with your org anization of your paper. Impact of Tourism Note: These sections will be completed in Part B and DO NOT need to be completed now, you should just list your main headings to start getting your paper organized . Add sub - headings if y ou can, so I can tell you if you ’ re on track or missing somet hing important . For Part A, all I want to see is that you’ve started to look for references and think about how you are going to find the information you n eed to answer the questions in Part B that address these sections. Tourism Management Tourism Planning and Marketing Conclusion Running head: SHORT TITLE OF YOUR PAPER 4 Annotated Bibliography Travel Manitoba (2018). Manitoba Canada's Heart Beat . Retrieved February 3, 2020, from https://www.travelmanitoba.com/ T his source will provide this paper with information about some facts / data and will be used in the introduction section of this paper. The information here is provided b y Travel Manitoba, so it can be considered reliable and a good source of data for this paper. This source will also be used to discuss tourism management, particularly the 5 components of the tourism destination area (TDA). Note: all of your reference s should be in APA! Commented [JB2]: If you’re not sure who the source of the information is (i.e. if there is no author listed, look for who has the copyright at the bottom of the website. That is who is then listed as the a uthor / organization responsible for the website’s content. Typically government or DMO (Destination Management Organizations) info is reliable, but you should think critically about the reliability of information from other private sources. Running head: SHORT TITLE OF YOUR PAPER 5 Need more help? Here is a link to a good example of a sample paper: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/18/ Just note that you do NOT need an abstract.