Part 1 –For this assignment, you will be composing the introduction and review of literature sections of your research paper that is due in Unit VII. In Unit II, you selected your research paper topic


Building Better Relationship Through Youth Mentoring and Engagement

Student name

BCJ 4101

Columbia Southern University

Building Better Relationship Through Youth Mentoring and Engagement


The purpose of my research paper is to cover how the police relates to the youth within a community. This is established through mentorship and engagement programs that helps law enforcement build better relationships on a personal level. Youth mentoring is a perfect opportunity for police officers to build that rapport by commitment and establishing a foundation of trust with the young people.

Annotated Bibliography

Peterson, S. B., Burnett,Arthur L.,,Sr, & Halstuch, J. A. (2020). America's new criminal justice system diversion program, the community acceptance program. Criminal Justice, 34(4), 23-25. Retrieved from

In this journal article, the publishers, American Bar Association discusses the diversion programs that are increasing throughout the United States. These programs for juvenile are addressing multiple issues and problems to reduce expenses in the court and law enforcement activities.

The publishers are aware of the community acceptance program providing an alternative to arrest, conviction and incarceration. The publisher reflects on different programs that were established through the years and how it has evolve into a high completion rates. The publisher’s explanation of the program is descriptive and explains how it will enhanced police community relations free of crime and threats to the public. As well as bringing the law enforcement and communities closer together to improve the quality of life. This will be applied to my research paper by explaining the conflict that a youth can occur if incarcerated.

Clarke, A. (2017). The holistic effect of police officers mentoring “high risk” youth. International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching & Mentoring15, 123–134.

In this article, Clarke describes her time though out the 28 years she has been a police officer. Seeing the different challenges, obstacles, and aspect of a youth from being a high driven criminal because of their inherent criminal family. To a youth who still encounters social and criminal family history, but has control over their choices and is still successful. The author discusses the approach the police officer uses to reach out to those youth who are viewed as lost. Due to the society, they are involved in from either academically to behaviorally conform.

Clarke is an experience police officer that is well experience in the operational field and have knowledge in regards to mentoring youth. The author is exposed to the target group and has researched the youth who were mentored by police officers. This article will explain the process and effect of the police mentorship program with youth. It will further explain the impact the mentorship has on both the youth and the police officer themselves.

Forman Jr., J. (2004). Community Policing and Youth as Assets. Journal of Criminal Law & Criminology95(1), 1–48.

Within this article, it suggests the flaws within the community policing. How the new policing model has left out a huge group that is critical and that is the youth and young adults. The author describes in the 1970s and 1980s on how the police community relations was of importance and was growing, but hard to maintain. He explains in the article on how community policing needed to change its approach and structure to start thinking that the community is an ally instead of an enemy.

A professor of law, Forman is aware of the community policing having the potential to impact the perspective of how police officers are seen. The author is optimistic with his explanation and his experience and research on community policing and creating an image for the youth as they are an asset for the community. I will use this article to explain the different approaches to police-community relations and how it impacts the youth and the officers.