Read Chapter 12 in Maidment & Egan (2016). 2. Read through the case study 12.1 on pages 187 -188, 191 - 192, 193 - 194. Ensure you use the 2016 edition;

Approx 500 words


1. Read Chapter 12 in Maidment & Egan (2016).

2. Read through the case study 12.1 on pages 187 -188, 191 - 192, 193 - 194. Ensure you use the 2016 edition;

older versions have different page numbers.

3. Think about what you would need to do and know in order to be a culturally responsive and competent worker with Maryam and her family.

4. Answer these questions using the case study information:

– In this situation, what does the worker need to do to ensure they are being culturally competent?

– Describe the theories, strategies and steps you would take, and why, to ensure the best outcome/s for Maryam

and her family?

– What have you, the student, personally done to increase your knowledge and understanding of people from culturally diverse groups, and what more can you do to address the gaps in your cultural competence?

In the case of maryam the social worker need to have knowledge and understanding of Iranian culture, also making sure they have a knowledge of all the possible life changes this family have been throughout as the practitioner should be culturally awareness. A worker achieves cultural competency when they can understand how their own cultural norms impact on the way they view themselves, the families they are working with and the situation they are facing together.

The social worker needed build friendly relationships with Maryams family and have knowledge on the cultural competent, the practitioner need to to aware that this family is Iranian we’re they have difficulty understanding English however, the interpretation should also be same as maryams background. The social worker can also ask Maryam and her family if they prefers to have a female practitioner or they do not mind what gender is. As they from Middle East it is common that a female would more comfortable with a female social worker.

The theories that would be relevant in Maryam case is work practice theory which focuses on individual self determination and strength. The strength based approach helps client to focuses on the strength rather than weakness and this approach help the client and the worker to achieve short and long term goals. However, Mariam’s goals is to get back to university and have her energy back and also manage from university life and family her also strength is seeing her family happy together.

Thus, the clients are the story teller in this case the practitioner should be careful with the language they use because client have control over their life and they have the privilege on their life.

By using strength based approach the practitioner is focuses on internal strength to help Maryam to build a mindset which helps to set her intention and focus on positive capacity building (Steven), seeing individual as they creating and rebuilding rather than viewing as braking family or failing (Hamsnd 2012).

Another theory applies in the assessment of the case of Maryam, psychosocial development theory emanates from Erik Erikson's work on psychosocial development and identity. Erikson asserts that every individual passes through eight interrelated stages of life during their life cycle.

Erikson's theory provides a developmental timetable for understanding the maturation of self. Social workers use Erikson's stages as a reference point for where a client is at in this maturation life cycle, and then use that as context to address stage-appropriate concerns and issues.this strategy helps Maryam to identify what makes happy in the live and what gives meaning of living.

Finally, there are many virus way that I can educate myself and be knowledge of different culture, moving to a different culture to a different country means a lot to people who have been imported from a different country as I have been imported from a different country I can understand the fathers thought of losing his power and control of his daughter and his wife. By attending the sessions that were provided in the case it will help the family to look at what makes them happy and united which mean look at the put a positive perspective rather than negative.

There are many principal can I social worker approach to help case management. As a social worker important to build a trusting relationship with a client by doing this a client can be more comfortable and to be more open about that issue they present.

According to the case how they asked Marian to tell her story to help to help her identify her own story that will help to empower her own decision and to educate Themselves by giving meaning to the factors that has impacted her life.

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