1500 word limi, Harvard style referencing at least 4 reference

Answer the following questions in your report on one human service agency of your choice.

  •  Information demonstrates a command of lifespan development concepts and responds to all five (5) questions with a synthesised critical analysis with example

  • Including, Human service agency, Life stage issue, Position and responsibilities, Developmental theories, Application (advantages/disadvantages /examples/critique)

  • referencing; consistent in style referencing throughout; excellent source list; high standards of in-text referencing; critical use of source

  1. Profile a human service agency where you might like to work once you have finished your qualification.

I would like to work families and domestic violence agencies who provides help mainly for mothers and children who been in complex trauma. The position I would like to take is social worker councillor. There are many organisations provide this position such as St George Domestic Violence Service which is in Rockdale Community Health Centre.

  1. What life stage does the service agency service? (include any theories or approaches that they use if you can find them)

In working with mothers and children who has experienced experienced complex trauma there are no limits on life stages as mother can be in any age from teenage to 60over as well as a child in any age under the age of 18 who is still on Custidy.

The theories that would help when working in this position is the theory of attachment by Bowlby 1969, were a child is attached to their care givers.

Also the theory of psychosocial developments of Erik Erikson life span stage .

  1. Describe in detail the position you would like to hold in that agency, including the responsibilities you would have, outcomes you need to achieve (refer to current positions descriptions from the organisation or employment agencies e.g. SEEK)

The position I would like to take is social worker ‏ ‏canceller working with children and mothers who are at risk of abuse or neglect. Who is been abused physically and emotionally and sexually.

As social worker councillor I my responsibility will be making sure mother and children who are safe at all time.

Also, undertakes collaborative assessment, case planning and safety planning

The qualification that is required in this filed is I must hold bachelor level of aether social worker, social welfare.

  1. What lifespan developmental theories covered in the unit would be relevant for you to use if you were in this position at this agency?

As I have mentioned earlier The lifespan development theory that could help when working with mothers and children who has been in complex trauma is the theory of attachment development Attachment theory is focused on the relationships and bonds between people, particularly long-term relationships, including those between a parent and child.

Another theory would be psychosocial developments of Erik Erikson life span of 9 stages such as , if a child between 1to 3 years will develop Autonomy vs. shame and dough and if the mothers will be at the age of 18 to 40 will develop intimacy Vs isolation. However, as it been said that the mothers without the child will develop a isolation and depression as they are the care givers.

  1. Discuss how these developmental theories align (or not) with the approach of the service/agency i.e. the advantages or disadvantages of including lifespan theory.