Your company is a 4-year-old startup called XYZ Software Enterprises. XYZ produces a point of sale system and was awarded a Proof of Concept (POC) to one of the largest and oldest restaurants in the i

Technical Paper: Proof of Concept (POC)

Due Week 10 and worth 230 points

Your company is a 4-year-old startup called XYZ Software Enterprises. XYZ produces a point of sale system and was awarded a Proof of Concept (POC) to one of the largest and oldest restaurants in the industry (you know, the ones in the commercials all the time). The restaurant wants XYZ to prove that the software will do what the sales people said it could do.

Your Proof of Concept will include four parts:

  • Part 1: Gantt Chart

  • Part 2: Testing and User Acceptance Report

  • Part 3: Use Case Diagram

  • Part 4: Activity Diagram

Part 1: Gantt Chart

A Gantt Chart (see page 353 Figure 11-18) needs to be created for the entire process of the Proof of Concept. There is a two-month deadline from today to complete the POC.

Using Visio or Excel, create a Gantt Chart that includes all of the items listed below and adds five more tasks minimum from the concepts learned from the course:

  • The initial meeting — today.

  • Should appear as the first line.

  • Teams selected to participate in the project (1 week).

  • Information gathering (add the information gathering methods you will use and how long each will take).

  • System configurations based on information gathering methods (2 weeks).

  • Create Activity Chart based on information gathering (info to create chart supplied).

  • Create Use Case Diagram based on information gathering (info to create chart supplied).

  • Show the finished configurations to the team and get feedback (1 day).

  • Make changes based on feedback (3 days).

  • Install the system in the test store (2 days).

  • Train staff (1 day).

  • Run a live test of POC (2 weeks).


  • The five or more additional tasks can be subtasks for information gathering methods as well some other subtask or major task not in the initial list.

  • You may add items from the SDLC, specific item(s) on testing, or any other concept you think should be part of the POC process learned in the course of this semester.

NOTE: Remember that events in a Gantt chart can happen at the same time as other events. Some items also cannot start until others are completed. Everything has an estimated timeframe and it is displayed in the chart.

Part 2: Testing and User Acceptance Report

As part of the expected documentation in the POC, XYZ wants a report on Testing and User Acceptance.

Your manager is asking you to research the testing criteria they listed in the POC documents.

The POC document states that they are looking for:

  1. System and Stress Testing

  2. User Acceptance Testing (UAT)

For both categories, research and report on:

  1. What these tests are.

  2. Why the industry leader would want these particular tests.

  3. The best ways, in detail, to accomplish the tests so that your company meets the criteria they are looking for.

    • These items can be added to your Gantt Chart (Part 1)

Part 3: Use Case Diagram

The restaurant, as part of the information gathering, outlined a use case in a chart (below).

Your manager assigned you to create the Use Case Diagram using Visio, MS Word, or any other software. (See the diagrams on Page 84 and 85 of the textbook.)

  • Paste the diagram into the created report.



Order Food 

Waiter, Patron, Chef

Serve Food


Cook Food


Pay for food 

Waiter, Patron

Eat Food


Part 4: Activity Diagram

As a part of the information gathering process, a chart of items was provided by XYZ.

Your manager has asked that you use Visio, MS Word, or any other software with which you are familiar to create the Activity Diagram (see pages 138 Figure 5-5 and 139 Figure 5-6 in the textbook.)

  • Paste the diagram into the created report.


Activity Diagram

Host/Hostess seats patron

Server takes drink order

Server opens order for table in POS system

Server places drink order in the POS system

System sends drink order to the Bar

Bar makes drinks

Server brings drinks to table

Server takes food order

Server adds food order in the POS system

Order goes to kitchen

Chef and staff cook the order

Food Runner brings food to table

Server takes dessert order

Server adds dessert order to POS

Chef and Staff create desserts

Food Runner brings desserts to table

Server creates check in POS

Server collects payment and enters it in POS

Server adds tipped amount to POS

Server closes table in POS

Additionally you must:

  • Use at least 3 quality resources. NOTE: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as quality resources.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, your name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

  • Include charts or diagrams created in Visio, Word, or an open source alternative. The completed diagrams/charts must be imported into the Word document before the paper is submitted.