It is essential to have a basic understanding of network defense topologies in order to properly comprehend the defensive strategies deployed by companies to protect their information assets. Use the

It is essential to have a basic understanding of network defense topologies in order to properly comprehend the defensive strategies deployed by companies to protect their information assets. Use the 1

CYB-610 Network Defense System Scoring Guide

Performance Level Ratings

Meets Expectations

Performance consistently met expectations in all essential areas of the assignment criteria, at times possibly exceeding expectations, and the quality of work overall was very good. The most critical goals were met.

Near Expectations

Performance did not consistently meet expectations. Performance failed to meet expectations in one or more essential areas of the assignment criteria, one or more of the most critical goals were not met.

Below Expectations

Performance was consistently below expectations in most essential areas of the assignment criteria, reasonable progress toward critical goals was not made. Significant improvement is needed in one or more important areas.


Below Expectations

Near Expectations

Meets Expectations


The student successfully creates a diagram that illustrates network defense by placing network assets in their proper location to ensure their protection.

0 pts – 6 pts

7 pts – 9 pts

10 pts

The student clearly presents the following:

  • 10 mobile devices (1pt) (phones/laptops/tablets)

  • Five desktop/stationary computers (1pt)

  • Two servers (file/email) (1pt)

  • One printer (1pt)

  • One router/firewall (1pt)

  • One WAN/gateway connection (1pt)

  • One switch (1pt)

  • One corresponding backup/replication asset for disaster recovery (local or remote storage/server (1pt)

  • Small office/home office (SOHO) solutions that will be used to protect either the infrastructure or end-user devices (2pts)

0 pts – 6 pts

7 pts – 9 pts

10 pts

The student uses appropriate graphic elements to make visual connections that contribute to the understanding of concepts and relationships.

0 pts – 2 pts

3 pts – 4 pts

5 pts

The student develops a comprehensive report that outlines the abilities of the network topology in reference to securing network devices and other information assets used. The documentation is well presented. The required components are present (5 pts ea):

  • A detailed explanation of the topology design (the why, how, threat models, motivations and ideologies)

  • Network defense solution list (i.e., software/hardware used to protect information assets)

  • Encryption policies used by the network and end-users

  • Disaster plan recover, including restoration plans

0 pts – 13 pts

14 pts – 19 pts

20 pts

The student correctly utilizes industry standard technical writing throughout.

0 pts – 2 pts

3 pts – 4 pts

5 pts



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