Papers should be typed, 12pt double spaced, and 3-5 pages long. File name should be labeled with your name, the course number, & the assignment For example: E.Schuyler_Psyc212_Developmental Interview

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Course Number


Individual Interview Paper

Name: Rihanna

Age: 54.

How is life like when you were growing up?

It's not the same right now, but when I was 11 years old I moved here. And I grew up in a tiny village, we had a TV yet we didn't watch TV. They sent me to a small catholic girl only school in because our parents were really committed. I just went to classes, returned home, did homework, did chores and we were not even able to watch a lot of TV. We used to play basketball, and be outside.

How is life varying from when you were a teenager?

I think there is more aggression among teenagers right now as compared to when we were young there wasn't really. People were much social at that time; nowadays people are just busy with themselves.

If you get a chance to change your life with the teenagers of this generation, will you do it and why?

As a matter of fact, yes as it feels like there are more chances for young people to excel in school and university right now with technology. And if you are unable to travel the world, you can find everyplace online with the recent innovations, and I think if this young generation takes advantage of these opportunities and the available tools, they will have more improvements and positive things to do in their lives.

Is there any advice you want to give to this new generation?

Not most of your life lessons will come from your textbooks and instructors. You'll need to continually note the value of a reasonable balance in your life and learn from your parents' advice, and don't take something for granted, including your relatives, friends, and people around you, because once you lose their trust you will never be able to amend it.

What do you think your biggest accomplishment is?

I came from a very penury family. When I was young the only goal or dream I had was to change that poverty lifestyle to a wealthy lifestyle. Now, I am providing a good lifestyle to my children, and this is one of the biggest accomplishments because I am able to bring happiness and joy to my family.

Have you ever had a mid-life crisis?

No, I never had a mid-life crisis. The reason is that I lived my young age very roughly. My family went through a lot of ups and downs and I have seen rugged days at very young age and I was accustomed to that.

Do you have children? How old were you when you had your first child and last child?

Yes I have three children, I was 28 when I had my first child and I was 39 when I had my third child.

What was it like having a child? What advice would you offer new parents?

To me, being a parent means meeting expectations and dreams. I loved to hold, touch, watch and sniff my baby. My advice to new parents will be that your life should feel close to a perpetual hangover for the next 2 years. Do not hesitate, go for it and even try to enjoy it-it's going to get better. Enjoy the growing age of your baby it not only bring you happiness but also makes the bond with your life partner stronger.

Do you have any good memory? And what was that?

The best memory for me was the birth of my first child.

What is your main goal for the next five years?

To get retirement and spend time at home, enjoy my retired life, my children, and my elderly mom and spend time with my husband.

Do you have any moment in life that changed the way you look at life, or any person that changed your perspective towards life?

I suppose after seeing how hard my father worked in the farm and how meager his earnings were, I was inspired to stay focused in school so I could get a well-paid career.

How do you typically spend your leisure time?

At this age, the only thing that brings leisure to my time is, every moment spent with my children. I also like gardening and sometimes reminding my old memories of school also make me feel buoyant.

If you wish to go back to any age, what would it be and why?

I guess I really want to go back to the time when I was maybe twelve, because at that period the only priority for me was, getting up early, going to school, returning home, making a decent lunch, not making any concerns about taxes, loans, the only concerns were getting good grades at school when I was young.

Which world events you know from the time you grow up?

Event of 9/11, explosion of world trade center because I guess the perspective of many people changed towards many countries and some religion after that barbaric event.


Rihanna was very straight to the point that she had a tougher time. Rihanna used a lot of sentiment and was very honest and as described, "Of being able to see how intensely my father worked in the farms and how meager his earnings were, it sort of inspired me to remain focused in school so I could get a decent paying career," she expresses Erikson's Stagnation philosophy, building a life after her father to provide good life to her family.