Watch movie "Machucha" (link can be provided) and write a 3 page paper responding to the following questions. Include introduction paragraph. Each question can be its own paragraph. If use outside res

Response Paper Rubric

Papers are due Sundays by 11:59PM. Although only 1-2 pages long, your response papers should include the following:

Introduction (20 pts)

  1. Your introduction should provide the title of the film and its country of origin, and readings you will discuss.

  2. The introduction should describe the type of film you viewed; for example, documentary, animated feature, fictional narrative.

  3. Your introduction also will include the thesis—or main argument—of the film.

Body of Paper (40 pts)

  1. You should address each of the response paper prompts in the body of your paper.

  2. This section also will utilize the primary source(s).

Conclusion (20 pts)

  1. In your conclusion you will provide your analysis of the film as an historical source.

  2. You also will sum up your paper.

Overall Guidelines (20 pts)

  1. Your paper should be well-written, with topic sentences and free from misspellings

and other grammar issues. Remember: your paper should be 1 page long, but no more than 1 page.