There are multiple backup methods for each operating system. Please choose 2 operating systems and describe the methods for backup and recovery that can be used for each operating system and how they

 University of Cumberlands

                                           Application Security (ISOL-534-04)

                                                            RAFFI SHAIK

                                                       Unit 4 Discussion 2

There are so many operating system but I choose Microsoft Windows and Apple Mac Operating system. Here are the brief about the methods for backup and recovery for each operating system.

Microsoft Windows Operating System:

In backup and recovery there are two distinct sorts of backup: system image and file backup. File backup are spared to ZIP records. Two strategies for document reinforcement are upheld. The primary, ordinary reinforcement, stores everything chose for reinforcement. The second, steady reinforcement stores just records that are changed after a past reinforcement. The other strategy for backup, framework picture, is a circle picture of the upheld up framework spared obstruct by hinder in a VHD document (versus record by record in the document reinforcement and NTBackup).

During a backup, Windows utilizes Volume Shadow Copy Service to guarantee that records are not changed while they are being sponsored up (Hamid & Kiarash, 2018). VSS guarantees both document framework level consistency and application-level consistency for applications enlisted as VSS authors. More current reinforcement media, for example, CD, DVD, and Blu-beam plates are bolstered in Backup and Restore.

The whole circle or individual documents can be reestablished through the utility. Furthermore, the VHD document can be connected (mounted) as a different plate. Notwithstanding the most recent reinforcement being steady or full, the joined circle will mirror the condition of the plate at the most recent reinforcement, with the past rendition's element uncovering more established reinforcement sets.

Apple Mac Operating System:

All things considered, the most straightforward and least expensive arrangement is presumably to back up utilizing Time Machine, Apple's free backup programming. The main related expense would buy an outside drive yet since you can buy 1TB capacity for under £40 nowadays, it shouldn't burn up all available resources (Liu, Wu & Yu, 2020). We have a gather together of the best hard drives here.

In order to restore all the files, we have to follow these steps:

  • Ensure that your Time Machine backup plate is associated with your Mac and turned on. At that point turn on your Mac.

  • Open Migration Assistant, which in the Utilities organizer of your Applications envelope.

  • In the event that your Mac begins up to an arrangement right hand, which requests subtleties like your nation, console, and system, simply proceed to the subsequent stage. The arrangement right hand incorporates a relocation collaborator.

  • On the off chance that your Mac doesn't fire up as far as possible, or you likewise need to re-establish the macOS you were utilizing when you made the backup, follow the means to re-establish both macOS and your records.

  • At the point when you're asked how you need to move your data, select the choice to move from a Mac, Time Machine reinforcement, or startup circle. At that point click Continue.

  • Select your Time Machine backup, at that point click Continue.

  • In case you're solicited to browse a rundown from reinforcements sorted out by date and time, pick a reinforcement and snap Continue.

  • Select the data to move, at that point click Continue to begin the exchange.

  • On the off chance that you have a great deal of substance, the exchange may take a few hours to wrap up. At the point when the exchange is finished, restart your Mac and sign in to the moved record to see its documents.

The operating system has been a long-standing contrast among Mac and PC; at present, Mac PCs are preinstalled with OS X Lion, while PCs accompany Microsoft Windows 7. Somewhere in the range of 2007 and 2009, when Windows Vista was Microsoft's working framework, OS X was broadly viewed as the better of the two programming bundles. Vista was lazy, inclined to smashing and tormented by spring up discourse boxes. Be that as it may, Microsoft has made huge upgrades in the strength and execution of Windows 7, settling on the present decision progressively a matter of individual inclination as far as usefulness and design.


Hamid Reza Ganji, & Kiarash Aghakhani. (2018). Provides a New Way to Enhance Security in the Linux Operating System. Emerging Science Journal, 2(5), 295–302.

Yu-Ping, W., Liu, W., & Wu, H. (2020). Message Passing Optimization in Robot Operating System. International Journal of Parallel Programming, 48(1), 119–136.