Week 08 Course Project - Policy on De-Identification of Copies of Health Records-Health Data Management Assignment: Note: This a Work Policy and Procedure not a Written paper The HIM department is r

Assignment and Rubric

Week 08 Course Project - Policy on De-Identification of Copies of Health Records-Health Data Management


Note: This a Work Policy and Procedure not a Written paper

The HIM department is responsible for responding to requests for copies of records that required De-Identification prior to release. An example might be a request for copies of medical records from a drug company is conducting studies on patients with a diagnosis of Alzheimer's. Copies of the patients' records will be printed and sent to the drug company. Names, addresses, identifying information must be obliterated from the printed copies. Because the copies will not contain identifying patient information a patient authorization is not required.

Select policies, procedures and guidelines provided for benchmarking you may research policies, guidelines and standards on your own to use as a benchmark. Review your selected policies, procedures and guidelines and select the information after comparing those resources that you will include in your policy and write your policy on de-identification of health records.

The completed typed policy (Work Policy and Procedure- Please see the sample below) should be 1-3 pages. If you use a source for the policy, state the source at the end of the policy under a heading titled references in APA format including In-text citations.

Submit your completed assignment by following the directions linked below. Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates. Save your assignment as a Microsoft Word document.

Save your assignment as a Microsoft Word document.


TIP: This week, your project will focus on policies for the de-identification of patient records. Be sure to include what information needs to be blocked, how it will be done, and HIPAA references on patient authorization of de-identified information.

Your rubric for this week is below:

Module 08 Course Project - Policy on De-identification of Health Record Copies

Scoring Rubric:



States that the patient's name needs to be blocked and describes how this will be done (black marker, etc.).


Student utilizes HIPAA references on information that no authorization from patient is needed


Applies correct spelling, grammar, APA format including In-text citations, and a consistent policy format
