Four aspects of family life are described that have been strongly tied to student academic achievement, and they are (a) family beliefs and expectations, (b) family patterns of emotional connectedness

Week 3 Discussion 1 Key Family System Processes

Four aspects of family life are described that have been strongly tied to student academic achievement, and they are (a) family beliefs and expectations, (b) family patterns of emotional connectedness, (c) family organizational patterns, and (d) family patterns around learning. Choose one of the key components and add at least three additional points/suggestions to contribute to a students' success. Use these new points in addition to those listed in the text to create a plan to be implemented by either the family or the teacher to enhance your chosen component. Support your new points with at least one reference, in addition to the text.


  1. Read from your text, Building culturally responsive family-school relationships:

    • Chapter 4: From Family Deficit to Family Strength: Examining How Families Influence Children's Development and School Success

    • Chapter 5: Understanding Family Stress and Change

    • Chapter 13: Creating a Support Network for Families in Crisis 

Instructor Guidance

Week 3

Welcome to week 3 of our class. This week continues our work on the collaborative paradigm and involving families in school. In this week, you are asked to create a plan that will help families influence their children’s academic success, explain how families respond to stress and crisis, and examine research on the families’ influence on children’s learning. There are three chapters (Amatea, 2013) to read this week, and if you have not read them already, please do so now. They will be very helpful in responding to the discussions and working on the written assignment for the week.
As you know from your readings so far, the idea of the families’ influence on student performance is a big topic in research. The more we know about our students and their cultural backgrounds, the better we can help them learn. But let’s not think that learning occurs only in the brain. We must also consider children’s emotional needs and not just academic. With this thought in mind, it becomes even more important to develop a collaborative paradigm in our school. That paradigm leads to a comfortable, safe, and open learning environment for students.
In the first discussion for this week, we are concerned with family systems. Among such systems are: the families’ beliefs, the families’ emotional connectedness, the families’ organization, and the families’ patterns of learning. In this discussion, you will create a plan to be implemented by the family or the teacher to enhance one of those identified components of family systems. Be sure that you use at least two sources of information, one of which should be the textbook.
In the second discussion for this week, you are asked to take the role of a teacher and describe how you will address a stressing issue with student and family. Please review figure 5.1 from the text (Amatea, 2013) for a list of potential stressors. You are asked to use at least two resources to provide to the student and the family.
The written assignment for this week will help with the final project. This week, you are asked to focus on family influence of learning. Summarize the article provided and then critique it by providing supporting arguments. You will find supporting arguments by continuing your reading of other articles. In this critique section, compare and contrast the ideas of this article with others that you find. Be sure to cite all references properly, include a title and reference page, and include two to four pages of your commentary.


Amatea, E. S. (2013). Building culturally responsive family-school relationships (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc.