Methods Download Worksheet 5.1: Methods Exercise. Once you have opened Worksheet 5.1, select “save as,” and save it to your own computer as a Word document. Identify at least five tasks, along with ac



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Food For The Poor, INC (FFP) is a global relief and development organization that feeds millions of hungry people in 17 countries of Latin and Caribbean America. It provides emergency relief support, medicines, freshwater, educational resources, care for the elderly, skills training and micro-enterprise development support. It follows the principle that ‘education and self-help must fortify immediate relief so recipients can learn to break the cycle of poverty.’ It supports programs to teach beneficiaries how to develop small businesses, advance livestock and provide agricultural support to independent farmers.

Poverty levels of the Caribbean countries are on the rise and this greatly affects the living standards of these people and their families (Chapin 2017). FFP is trying to solve this problem gradually and can so help one child, one family or one community at a time. For the organization to assist as many people as possible, it has to increase its funding. Donations from well-wishers and friends only assist in a small proportion. FFP can introduce an income-generating drive that is aimed at making surplus which will help the organization get another source of income other than donations. This will involve setting up small businesses around the countries where unemployed persons can work and sell their products at affordable prices in the market.

A great number of persons living in Florida live from hand to mouth while others have no place to work (Powell 2019). FFP is going to provide employment opportunities for these persons. They will train these persons on how to make clothes from readily available materials and skilled persons can be aided with drawing tools and make pictures and designed objects that they can sell in the market at affordable prices. The main purpose is to create something out of what others consider as nothing. Computer-educated persons can be aided with creating computer programs that can be sold to companies. Income generated from sales will have a part in adding more funds to the institution.

By creating an opportunity for persons to utilize their skills, unemployed persons will have an income. Additionally, FFP will have more room to educate the youths in alternative sources of income generation. Income generated will increase a share of funds the institution uses to help the poor and disadvantaged. Moreover, they can attach their students in the departments of skills development to improve their expertise in many ways. This allows people to be flexible in the economy. Jobs will be created in various countries where people will employ others and themselves at large.

FFP will set up a training institute in Florida where they can offer their services at an affordable price to those who are willing and able to join. For persons who will have difficulties in funding their education, FFP will sponsor them as they will produce and sell their merchandise through the institution. The institution will train persons on various ways of cleaning water, art and craft designs, business and entrepreneurship skills, agriculture and development aid. The institution will also work with corporations where the students will be attached and gain experience. All this is to help the institution fund their strategies as they help the community.

The living standards of the people in the area will be improved if this program works effectively. FFP will admit more persons as they want to know various ways of earning. The training institution will be independent and will have more funds for expanding and training more people in Florida and other states. The institute will fund FFP as it aims to feed poor people in other countries.


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Chapin, T. S., Connerly, C. E., & Higgins, H. T. (2017). The 1985 Florida GMA: Satan or Savior? In Growth Management in Florida (pp. 305-311). Routledge.

Powell, A. L. M. (2019). Poverty levels and dual enrollment demographics and their effect on Mississippi high school graduation rates (Doctoral dissertation, Department of Instructional Systems, Leadership, and Workforce Development.).