The topic of this research is increasing on-task behavior during distance learning time in gifted students diagnosed with ADHD at elementary level. We want to find strategies and behavioral interventi


Literature Review Grading Rubric



10 points

8 points

6 points

4 points

0 points

Points Earned


The abstract is a brief, focused description of the contents of the paper

Generally focused on the contents of the paper

Somewhat focused on a broad topic

Scattered, random writing without focus



Clearly and concisely articulates the topic of study, states the research question(s) motivating the investigation, and discusses the theoretical/conceptual framework and historical background for the study

Discusses the topic of study, the research question(s), and the theoretical/ conceptual framework or historical background for the study

The topic of study and research question(s) are unclear. The framework and background for the study are vague

Unfocused and wandering discussion; missing multiple required elements


Discussion of Key Terms

Keywords and essential terms are clearly discussed and defined using direct support from authoritative sources on the topic; includes citations

Keywords and essential terms are clearly discussed and defined

Definitions of keywords and essential terms are ambiguous or vague

Missing multiple required elements


40 points

30 points

20 points

10 points

0 points

Review of the Literature

Relevant research findings are tightly synthesized and organized by themes/categories; uses a balanced amount of direct quotation; includes citations to support findings

Research findings are organized by themes/categories; uses direct quotations and includes citations to support findings

Research findings are summarized by study, rather than synthesized by themes/categories; direct quotations are used either too heavily or too sparingly

Fails to include relevant research or includes findings unrelated to the topic; sources of argumentation and support unclear


10 points

8 points

6 points

4 points

0 points

Summary/ Conclusion

Includes a focused summary of key findings from the review; gaps in the literature and recommendations for future research are clearly discussed

Includes a summary of key findings from the review; gaps in the literature and recommendations for future research are identified

Summary of key findings is unfocused or inconsistent with the review; gaps in the literature or recommendations for future research are vague

Unfocused and wandering summary; missing multiple required elements


Grammar, Usage, & Mechanics

0–2 errors

3–4 errors

5 errors

6–8 errors

More than 8 errors

APA Format

0–2 APA errors

3–5 APA errors

6–7 APA errors

8–9 APA errors

More than 10 APA errors


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