Topic: Compare and contrast metaethical theories Thread: Now that you have learned about competing ethical theories, write a 500-600 word thread that compares and contrasts a Christian ethical theory
ETHC 101
Discussion Board Thread Grading Rubric
Criteria | Levels of Achievement | |||||
Content | Advanced | Proficient | Developing | Not Present | Points Earned | |
Word Count | 15 points Word count is between 500 and 600 words. | 11 to 14 points Word count exceeds 600 words. | 1 to 10 points Word count is less than 500 words. | 0 points Not present | ||
Style | 10 points All required components of the prompt are answered in a manner that is objective, rationally argued, and not overly emotional; major points are supported by thoughtful reasoning and good examples. | 7 or 9 points All required components of the prompt are answered in a manner that aims at objective and dispassionate rationality, even if it doesn’t perfectly achieve this goal; a sincere attempt is made to support the major points with thoughtful reasoning and good examples. | 1 to 6 points Most required components of the prompt are answered in a manner that is sometimes insufficiently objective, dispassionate, and/or logical; major points are insufficiently supported by arguments and/or examples. | 0 points The required components of the prompt are not answered. | ||
Understanding | 10 points Post utilizes many of the concepts and technical vocabulary taught in the class in a manner that demonstrates accurate understanding. | 7 to 9 points Post utilizes some of the concepts and technical vocabulary taught in the class in a manner that demonstrates accurate understanding. | 1 to 6 points Post utilizes some of the concepts and technical vocabulary taught in the class but sometimes in ways that suggest that they are not correctly understood. | 0 points Post does not utilize the concepts and technical vocabulary taught in the class. | ||
Structure | Advanced | Proficient | Developing | Not Present | Points Earned | |
Spelling, Punctuation, and Grammar | 10 points Post is written in paragraph form and is devoid of spelling, punctuation, and grammar errors. | 7 or 9 points Post is not written in paragraph form and/or has occasional spelling, punctuation, and grammar errors. | 1 to 6 points Post is not written in paragraph form and has numerous spelling, punctuation, and grammar problems. | 0 points Not present | ||
Turabian formatting | 5 points Direct references and/or allusions to outside resources (such as the textbooks) are present and are cited using footnotes in current Turabian format. | 4 points Direct references and/or allusions to outside resources (such as the textbooks) are present but are cited otherwise than using footnotes in current Turabian format. | 1 to 3 points Direct references and/or allusions to outside resources (such as the textbooks) are present but the sources are not cited. (Note: if plagiarism is present, that requires additional corrective action.) | 0 points No direct references and/or allusions to outside resources are present. | ||
Total | /50 | |||||
Instructor's Comments: |