Teacher feedback Thank you for the submission. I appreciate your staying up-to-date during this difficult time. You have included some good sources, but none of them are primary sources. I provided so

Chaves 4



HIS 301


MAY 2020

Annotated Bibliography

ÅKESSON, L. (2018). Postcolonial Portuguese migration to Angola: migrants or masters? https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&scope=site&db=nlebk&db=nlabk&AN=1713756.

The book gives a great contribution to the migration of the Europeans, especially the Portuguese who migrated to Angola in the postcolonial context and gave a detailed elaboration to the examination of the relationship that was created between the Portuguese and the Angolans. There was a strong bond that was created between the two groups gives a description of the author's points on the topic of migration studies.

The author gives an elaboration of the kind of leadership between the two groups portrayed and how the rise of the leadership was unto the history of ex Portuguese and the ex-Angolans. Based on the ethnographic interviews, the books describe a history that is characterized by the hierarchy of powers. The research extremely focuses on the strong connection in the field of migration studies, which largely gives a deeper meaning of the postcolonial perspective on migration.

Birmingham, David. 2006. Empire in Africa: Angola and Its Neighbors. Athens, OH: Ohio University Press. http://public.ebookcentral.proquest.com/choice/publicfullrecord.aspx?p=1743675.

The author of the books unveils the dark years of the European fascism in Africa. It starts by bringing the fresh history of the late 1970s, where the rule of law and the leaders were a subject from the European origin that had a great history of dictatorial leadership. The dictatorship was finally overthrown by the angry black nationalist who had never experienced the rule of law nor the participatory kind of democracy.

The blacks fought for their democracy and got out from the lock chains of dictatorship. It brought about the establishment of the empire of the Africans that took the leadership of the nation from colonies that suppressed the blacks. The author gives a piece of detailed information on the leadership of the Portuguese and the Africans from the postcolonial experiences.

Venter, Al J., 2015. Portugal's guerrilla wars in Africa: Lisbon's three wars in Angola, Mozambique and Portuguese Guinea, 1961-74.

The author describes the Lisbon’s war that covered the three wars in Angola, Mozambique, and Portuguese Guinea. The book brings fresh events that happened during the war and how the war happened in greater detail. The war had a great impact on the three countries where it led to a hard scale of hostility that had a lot of casualties as it led to hundreds of the Europeans move out of Angola. The book is in a detailed explanation of how the Portuguese got out of Angola and the hostile war of Lisbon.

Bender, Gerald J., 1980. Angola under the Portuguese: the myth and the reality. Berkeley [etc.]: University of California Press.

The author of the book discusses the racial relationships in Angola. It is a description of the long relationship between the Portuguese and Angola. It describes the imperial thinking of the Europeans who had a good relationship with the African that was regarded as egalitarian and non- discriminatory with the tropical people. The book highlighted the unfolding of the different events in the leadership of the Portuguese in their colonial time and how they treated the Africans. Later the book acknowledges how the Africans rejuvenated and got their leadership on their back dismissing the philosophical thinking of the Portuguese.