This is a 1600 words Grant Proposal I wrote and got some feedback from the grader. I'm looking for a high writing skill tutor to help me revise this paper to the next level. Please follow the feedback

Rubric for the grant proposal

ENVS 190

Applicant’s name: __________________________

Reviewer’s name: __________________________ __________________________

For each of the following qualities of the cover letter, give a score of 1-5. Remember that this really isn’t about

grading here, but about helping each other develop strong grant proposals.

___ 1. The grant proposal is free of typos, spelling errors, or grammatical mistakes, and is formatted in a way

that makes it easy for a reviewer to read through and find all the required information.

___ 2. The proposed project or research is environmentally-based and in (at least partly) California .

___ 3. The grant proposal’s background section includes a title, the applicant’s name and maybe an association,

and the total funding requested. The project summary is concise but contains information about each key

aspect of the project or research, and well represents the project or research, such that the reviewer will want

to continue reading.

___ 4 &5. (This is worth 10 points) The statement of problem or need provides sufficient context to show why

this project or research is important, necessary, and worth funding. The context includes what current

resources show or what past research has been done, so it’s clear the applicant isn’t addressing this

completely from scratch. There are peer-reviewed or grey literature sources to support these statements,

making the case strong and compelling.

___6. The objectives of the project or hypotheses of the research are clearly defined and fit the project or

research well – that is, they show that the project or research is meeting the need stated in the previous


___7. The methods for completing the project or research are clear, detailed, and show that the applicant has

thought through what it will take to complete the work. The methods are clearly related to the objectives

or hypotheses .

___8. There is a clear and reasonable timetable for completing the project or research.

___9. The evaluation criteria are clear and appropriate for the project or research, such that the reviewer is sure

they can be used to successfully evaluate the project or research if it is funded. The criteria should relate

specifically back to the project objectives or the data collected in the research.

___10. The project includes a clear, detailed and yet concise budget , that is in the ballpark of the Request for

Proposals (closer to $10,000 than to $500). The requested amounts are reasonable (e.g., if it should cover

one person’s salary full-time, then that should be for 1-2 months, not for 1 year). The budget directly relates

to the project methods.

Any other comments?