InstructionsOverview/Description: My specialization is MSN-APRN in Family Nurse Practitioner, Make sure the entire project is centered in one topic only. The final project for NSG6101 consists of the


Research Proposal Methodology

Yulak Landa

Dr. Sandra Allen

May 7, 2020


Extraneous variables

I expect a few extraneous variables in my study. First, COVID -19 is not entirely controlled by the use of face masks. Other factors can increase the susceptibility of the participants acquiring the disease. Some of them include the level of hygiene, which is a vague term that you cannot squarely and precisely determine and regulate. Also, the virus is still novel, and there is still very scanty information about it. We do not know everything to do with its gestation, whether it differs across individuals and many other things. Also, we cannot surely guarantee the safety and effectiveness of the test kits and testing reagents being used. We cannot as well determine with precision the availability or lack of any underlying health problem. However, we will follow all the directives given by the Department of Health, such as hand washing techniques, to minimize the exposure in any other way apart from masks. Also, the PPEs will have to have a quality license (Narain, 2020).


The study will require personalized protection equipment (PPE), including standard and surgical face masks, gloves, safety shoes and glasses, hard hats, vests, and bodysuits for each of the participants. I would also require the test kits, including the aerosol COVID 19 samples, nasal swabs, throat swabs, and test reagent. We would as well require the disease management equipment like mechanical ventilators plus oxygen supply. All these types of equipment must have been certified for quality to ensure the reliability of the results (Sirinarumitr, 2020).


Every participant will need to go through OSHA accepted fit test. There will be no trying to fit in a mask, and participants will have to stick to the provided mask. Instructions will be given t the participants to practice hand hygiene in accordance with CDC guidelines, and trained assistants to the study will be deployed to ensure strict adherence. Some participants may get exposed to the virus and get sick before the testing period. Meaning, the medical personnel will have to be always at the facility to take care of any emergencies and monitor those exposed (Yang, 2019).

Data collection procedures

First, I will visit different care centers to lobby for participation among the caregivers. The participants will be required to undertake necessary tests to ascertain; none of them has a chronic illness or preexisting condition. I will then select randomly taking into account the gender, the participants who will use standard face masks, and those to use surgical masks. The participants will be brought into the laboratory and required to sign the consent form. They will put on all the necessary protective gear, including face masks, before being exposed to a controlled amount of aerosol SARS- COV – 2 viruses. They will then be quarantined for 14 days where before being tested. Any prior showing of any symptom will be tested within the 24-hour bracket. To test nasal swabs will be inserted separately in every participant's nostrils, and so the throat swap in the pharynx. They will be put under viral transport media, taken to the testing lab. The testing reagents will be used to detect the virus. Those with the disease will be taken to the treatment facility where they will be closely monitored. After seven days, they will be retested to ascertain; they did not acquire the disease (Narain, 2020).


Narain, D. S. (2020). Coronavirus outbreak. Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research08(04). doi:10.18535/jmscr/v8i4.63

Sirinarumitr, T. (2020). Development of molecular techniques for the detection and pathogenesis study of swine corona-and corona-like virus. Journal of Medicine343(2). doi:10.31274/rtd-180813-10812

Yang, T. (2019). A study on control of novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) disease. Journal of Medical Research56, 122. doi:10.37473/fic/10.1101/2020.04.19.20071654