1. The Research paper will come in five parts. The instructions are: RESEARCH PAPER TOPIC Impact of Women in Missions History o Part 2: Refined topic, edited abstract, outline, and tensources - Studen

GLST 605

Research Paper Instructions

Students will submit a 20-page/5,000–6,000-word research paper in current Turabian format on an approved topic. A list of topic suggestions is included. All topics must be approved by the professor prior to submission of Part 1.

The paper will show:

  • understanding and analysis of a historical setting, issue, or missiological approach in mission history

  • understanding/analysis of theological issues/principles relevant to that historical setting, issue, or missiological approach

  • analysis and application of those principles to contemporary mission concerns

The three requirements of this paper are the following:

  1. A biblical worldview is clearly communicated through the research.

  2. Biblical references are included for all key points.

  3. The Bible is cited according to proper Turabian formatting for citing scripture.

The paper will be submitted in 5 parts:

  1. Part 1: Proposed Topic —Topic must be approved by the instructor. A list of possible topics will be made available. Include at least 3 sources to make sure there will be enough resources to draw on. Part 1 is due at the end of Module/Week 2.

  2. Part 2: Refined Topic—The student will incorporate any changes to topic, outline the paper, write questions to be answered by the research, and submit 10 sources. Part 2 is due at the end of Module/Week 3.

  3. Part 3: Intro and First 5 pages— The student will submit the introduction and first 5 pages of the research paper. Part 3 is due at the end of Module/Week 4.

  4. Part 4: Intro & First 10 pages—The student will submit introduction and first 10 pages, incorporating changes made to initial submission. Part 4 is due at the end of Module/Week 5.

  5. Part 5: Final Paper—The student will submit the complete research paper. The paper will be 5,0006,000 words in the body of the paper, with a minimum of 10 academic resources cited. Part 5 is due at the end of Module/Week 7.