Change Proposal: Reimplementation of a Bedside Shift Report IV. Implementation Plan A. Assess the factors that are likely to affect the implementation of your recommended activities B. Identify eviden


Change Proposal: Reimplementation of a Bedside Shift Report

Avoid what appear to be opinions regarding administration. They will be stakeholders too. They may very well need education as well. Consider surveying the nurses about their feelings and concerns about bedside shift reporting to better inform educating them about the importance, supported by the data you gather. This can be apart of your intervention. There are a lot of APA errors in this draft, please address areas below that need editing below

The identified clinical problem that is relevant to nurses in the workplace is the reimplementation of a bedside shift report. The bedside shift report may be used to help the development of teamwork, ownership, and accountability thus increasing the satisfaction of the nurses. The reason for selecting the reimplementation of a bedside shift report is because; at a targeted facility the implementation of the bedside shift report is becoming poor. This has led to the poor compliance with the standards of practice, and may increase costs in the facility, for example, those related to the legal costs as a result of falls and medication errors, and the reduction in the satisfaction of the patients due to the poor healthcare outcome (Bonnie, Mary, & Ramona, 2016). (Make this a seperate sentence and reword it.) Also (ncorrect in-text citation, do not use first names. I copied and pasted from library on reference page to verify.)

The reimplementation of a bedside shift report is important for the nurse practice in the organization. Bedside shift report assists in improving the experience of the client and improving the handoff care between the nurses through including the family and client in the delivery of care. Bedside shift report is leading to the introduction of a change in the nursing culture i.e. introduction of various methods of communicating patient-specific care at a shift transformation. Shift reports given at the bedside is helping in changing the manner in which nurses are communicating and practicing (Bonnie, Mary, & Ramona, 2016). (in-correct citation.

At the targeted facility, the execution of the bedside shift report is poor and this is associated to the lack of knowledge concerning the role of bedside shift reporting on the patient outcome. The healthcare providers at the facility are not directly engaged in the provision of healthcare. There is poor communication of the goals of the bedside shift reporting and their importance about the positive outcomes and benefits that are involved in the change (Bonnie, Mary, & Ramona, 2016).

According to the study by Gregory et al., (2014), the process of assessing the transformation in the practice that involves transitioning of the bedside nurse shift handoffs is important. The evaluation process is helpful in the re-implementation plan to help in improving the areas of weaknesses. The evaluation process of the success in the implementation in the practice is assisting in assessing the perception of the nurses about the proposed changes i.e. the re-implementation plans. There is evidence showing the positive impacts of the bedside shift report in the safety of the patient, the control of the pain, the satisfaction of the patients, and improvement in the nurse to patient or nurse to nurse communication (Gregory, Tan, Tilrico, Edwardson, & Gamm, 2014).

A study by Dempsey et al., (2014) reveals that the scores in the patient satisfaction with the nurse-sensitive indicators associated with communication are necessary towards improvement in the bedside shift reporting. The success of the reimplementation of the bedside shift reporting also depends on the education that is being provided to the nurses. Most of the cases of poor bedside shift reporting in the facility were associated with lack of understanding on its benefits and reasons for its implementation. Since there is no clear understanding of the need for the implementation, most of the nurses are not prepared to fully buy into such ideas.


The poor process of implementing bedside shift reporting is associated with a lack of understanding of the importance of such practices. This leads to poor compliance with the necessary set of standards of practice and increases in the cost of healthcare. Therefore, the reimplementation of the bedside shift reporting is necessary to ensure that nurses are informed about the importance of such practices. It also helps in equipping nurses with the knowledge needed towards the implementation of the bedside shift reporting.


Bonnie, B., Mary, K., & Ramona, W. (2016). Reimplementing bedside shift reports at a community hospital. Nursing Management, 47(12), 52-55. (Correct This reference)

Dempsey, C., Reilly, B., & Buhlman, N. (2014). Improving the patient experience: Realworld strategies for engaging nurses. Journal of Nursing Administration, 44(3), 142-151.

Gregory, S., Tan, D., Tilrico, M., Edwardson, M., & Gamm, L. (2014). Bedside shift reports: What does the literature say. Journal of Nursing Administration, 44(10), 541-545.