Project: Applying Team Behavior Theory to SolutionsTheWeek 5assignment is considered a major assignment that might take more than one week to complete. Using the same organization you identified inWee
Organizational Behavior
By: Ameki Lee
South University
Dr. Essler
MGT7105 SU01 Seminar in Group and Team Behavior
Organizational Behavior
Group and Team Behavior Dynamics at Boeing
Boeing is one of the leading companies in the aerospace industry. The company was established in 1916 and its long history of manufacturing products (such as military aircraft, commercial planes, satellites, security systems as well as defense systems) has been a significant contributor to the company’s success in the field. Boeing has a strong presence globally with a distribution structure of its employees and partners in 70+ countries worldwide (Boeing, 2020). The company has gained a competitive advantage over its competitors as a result of integrating modern technology in its products during the manufacturing process as well as they strive to meet its customers’ needs. Other than this, Boeing facilitates customers in their options for financing. Boeing has its organization split into three business units including Boeing defense, missiles and security (military aircraft), space and communication, and Boeing commercial airplanes. From this, the customers of Boeing can easily be recognized as military and commercial airlines respectively. Also, there is a possibility to have private customers (who purchase private jets and security equipment from Boeing). Commercial aircraft are divided into seven distinct families that are manufactured at Boeing and the segments of the planes are assembled in two facilities namely Renton and Everett. The company has embraced diversity and talent among its employees. This is a contributing factor to the success of the company (Boeing, 2020). Boeing promotes talent by employing highly-skilled workers in every department in the company. The implementation of diverse teams in the company is a significant contributor to enhancing innovations and improving the relations in the company. These factors are known to promote success in the company (Boeing, 2020).
The development of teams and groups in organizations has been incorporated as the new norm. The team-based organization has gradually become an embraced organizational behavior in many companies worldwide. The key concept of this organizational behavior is the grouping of the employees in an organization into units based on their professional qualifications as well as occupational expectations. In comparison, groups are comprised of professionals who aim at improving their performance by sharing information. Teams and groups hold very strong roots in organizations (Boeing, 2020).
To achieve maximum efficiency of the multi-billion-dollar business, Boeing has implemented organizational structures that are based on the use of teams and groups. This has given rise to the organizational culture of embraced team diversity in the workforce. Diversity is valued at every level in the organization as well as every work process; it is embraced in terms of views, competencies, and technical skills. Despite the positive contributions of diverse teams and groups in the organization, the implementation process has contributed to various challenges concerning the group and team behavior dynamics (Huddleston Jr., 2019).
Symptoms of the Problems
Although Boeing has shown significant improvements over the years, it is faced with various problems that contribute to negative results in the company. Most of these problems are inter-related with the groups’ and teams’ behavior in the company (Goldstein, 2020). Some problems Boeing faces are all characterized by various issues that are rooted in the diversity of teams and the ability of a team to function as a unit. Possible problems can be easily identified with visible symptoms in the company. Some of the symptoms present in teams include; 1) team leaders assuming a dominance position, 2) a working environment that is consumed with blame, fear and defensive acts, 3) varying participation levels by the team members, 4) uneven use of the group’s resources, 4) avoiding differences and potential conflicts rather than solving them, 5) minimal interaction between the team members, and 6) dysfunctional group procedures and norms. Other than these team-related symptoms, other general symptoms include; 1) reduced rates of production, 2) errors in the produced goods, 3) lack of cohesion, and 4) negativity. The identification of these symptoms early enough could aid Boeing to establish possible problems the company might face and strategize to either avoid it or solve it before mega damage is done (Campbell, 2019).
Evidence that the Problems Actually Exist
The existence of the problems at Boeing has well been established from the effectiveness of its products. In recent years, there have been multiple crashes of Boeing aircraft with the recent one being Boeing 737 that crashed in 2019 (Goldstein, 2020). There was also an explosion of a new Boeing product early in the year during the testing stage in the production process. These crashes contradict the safety requirements needed during the production process. Also, there is evidence of a demoralized engineering team in the company in relation to the crashes. Constant blame games within the teams in the organization to evade the trouble that comes along with these crashes are common in such instances and conflicts might easily arise. These are all evidence that the company is facing various problems. With the recent changes in management, Boeing’s new CEO is left with the challenge of addressing these problems while improving the quality of its products and maintaining high standards in the industry. Another evidence that shows the existence of problems is the statistics of safety complaints filed by the employees of Boeing over issues present in the manufacturing process including shoddy production practices and tools being left on the planes (Huddleston Jr., 2019).
Relevant Group and Team Themes that might Explain the Problems
One key theme that might explain the problems Boeing faces is ineffective teams (Campbell, 2019). Teams being fundamental components at Boeing ought to be effective else their key purpose of promoting success in the company is defeated. The effectiveness of a team can be measured based on its overall performance as well as the overall outcome of its projects. Ineffective teams at Boeing are dangerous as the manufacture of its products involves the safety of many people. Efforts of the dedicated team members are hardly realized when a team is termed ineffective. Incompetent team members at Boeing tend to drag down the dedicated members. Other than this, the impacts of ineffective teams can be extended to other departments in the organization and cause a whole of damage especially in the production process (Campbell, 2019). Ineffective teams are not solely built by its members; there are also other causative factors. Establishing these factors will aid Boeing to solve this problem.
Ineffective teams are built as a result of various negative factors in the organization. Some of the causative factors that contribute to ineffective teams at Boeing include;
Ineffective leadership: This the major contributor of ineffective teams at Boeing. Lack of effective leaders causes a power struggle between the team members and this leads them to shift their concentrations from their roles and responsibilities. Also, their shifted focus is attributed to the lack of a defined vision of the team.
Lack of participation from team members: Poor attendance of team meetings contribute to poor or no participation of team members. As a result, the team members do not meet deadlines and do not complete allocated tasks.
The conflict between team members: Heightened tensions among team members might result in personal attacks and aggressive gestures. Such an environment makes Boeing an ineffective working place and also the resolution of conflict amongst the team members becomes a challenge.
Poor communication: Silence during team meetings as well as talking over each other and interrupting team members overthrows the whole purpose and benefits of teams and contributes to ineffective teams.
Low morale: Low or lack of morale among the team members at Boeing destroys the motivation to work and effectively perform their responsibilities.
Lack of problem-solving and decision-making skills: Facing problems head-on and formulating a solution as well as making skillful decisions are vital in teams to promote growth in the company. Lack of these vital skills might contribute to failure in the teams and the organization at large.
Absence of team identity: Poor collaboration and the lack of commitment and effort among team members contributes to a lack of accountability towards the objective of the teams instigated at Boeing.
Each of these factors is important and ought to be thoroughly looked into so as Boeing can completely eradicate the problem of ineffective teams in the company. Doing this will contribute to increased success in the company and also give the company a competitive advantage over its competitors in the industry.
Boeing (2020). About the Company. Retrieved from
The website discusses the history of Boeing right from its formation in the year 1916. This article gives us the progress of the company right from its production. The different aspects of the manufacturing process are well illustrated and so are the products that define the company. The article gives us a thorough analysis of the company.
Campbell, D. (2019, May 2). The many human errors that brought down the Boeing 737 Max. Retrieved from
The author establishes that the problems the company, Boeing, faces are a result of human errors both within the organization and those operating the products. Although some of the errors are unavoidable as they are always identified in mid-air, Boeing is capable of handling the problems within the organization before the purchase of the products. Teams of engineers and other departments within the organization are seen to be contributors to the problems. Ineffective teams are established as a factor in this article.
Goldstein, M. (2020, January 5). In 2020, Have Boeing’s Problems Just Begun? Retrieved from
The author establishes concerns present in Boeing in relation to its manufacturing process as a result of the various crashes from Boeing aircraft. Stating the history of the company, there is an establishment of the problems that are relevantly affecting the company as well as the users of the products. Having his focus on the crashes, he proves that the problems at Boeing exist.
Huddleston Jr., T, (2019, April 20). Boeing’s Dreamliner jet is now facing claims of manufacturing issues. Retrieved from
The author establishes the discussion based on the complaints filed by workers at Boeing who stated that there are manufacturing issues in the company. Through this, the author institutes that there are problems in the company and shows that the proof of these problems. This article is a significant contributor to this research paper as it aids in forming its base.