MAKE A DECISION: Do you recommend that James and Maria move in together? Yes, they should move in together. James and Maria should move in together only after James works on XYZ. They should move in

 Investigate Development Case: Cohabitation Exercise and submit your response in the text box here.  

MAKE A DECISION: Do you recommend that James and Maria move in together?

  1. Yes, they should move in together.

  2. James and Maria should move in together only after James works on XYZ.

  3. They should move in together only after Maria works on XYZ.

  4. No, they should not move in together.

Why? Give reasons for why you chose the way you did. Consider the following factors in your reasons:

  • James and Maria's respective family backgrounds

  • James and Maria's respective expectations of the relationship

  • James and Maria's respective values and beliefs

  • Financial factors


PSY 1821 Case Development Rubric 2.1

PSY 1821 Case Development Rubric 2.1




This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent

20.0 to >15.0 pts


All key components of the Case Development questions are addressed. Proper terminology to describe concepts in the vignette are used (3 or more terms).

15.0 to >10.0 pts


Most key components of the Case Development questions are addressed. Proper terminology to describe concepts in the vignette are used (2 terms).

10.0 to >5.0 pts


Some key components of the Case Development questions are addressed. Proper terminology to describe concepts in the vignette are used (1 term).

5.0 to >0.0 pts


Few or no key components of the Case Development questions are addressed. Proper terminology to describe concepts in the vignette are not used.

0.0 pts

Not Present

20.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFocus

10.0 to >9.0 pts


Writing remains focused on the topic assigned throughout, bringing each paragraph back to the thesis and making connections to sources. Paper also meets all length requirements (250 words or more).

9.0 to >8.0 pts


Writing mostly focuses on the topic assigned but misses some connections between sources and thesis. Paper meets at least 80 percent of the length requirement.

8.0 to >7.0 pts


Writing focuses on topic throughout but loses focus or digresses in individual paragraphs. Paper meets at least 70 percent of the length requirement.

7.0 to >1.0 pts


Writing struggles to focus on the topic in individual paragraphs and in the paper as a whole. Paper meets at least 65 percent of the length requirement.

1.0 to >0 pts

Not Present

Writing was not submitted, is about a topic other than the one assigned, or meets less than 65 percent of the length requirement.

10.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA Style

10.0 to >9.0 pts


Assignment correctly follows APA formatting, including a title page, abstract, header, page numbers, and reference page. Sources are cited correctly in the document.

9.0 to >8.0 pts


Assignment is mostly correctly formatted and/or sources are cited, but there are a few errors in the format.

8.0 to >7.0 pts


Assignment exhibits many errors in APA formatting and/or sources are cited, but there are several errors in the format.

7.0 to >0.0 pts


APA formatting is attempted, but several elements are missing or incorrect, an/or some of the sources are not cited and/or the format is incorrect.

0.0 pts

Not Present

Sources are not cited at all/format is not correct and/or APA is not attempted.

10.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSpelling and Grammar

10.0 to >5.0 pts


Spelling and grammar are correct. Sentences are complete, clear, and concise. Paragraphs contain appropriately varied sentence structures.

5.0 to >3.0 pts


There are some spelling and grammar errors. Some sentence level errors are present as well. Paragraphs contain some varied sentence structures.

3.0 to >2.0 pts


Spelling and grammar errors distract from meaning. Paragraphs are poorly formed.

2.0 to >0.0 pts


Multiple spelling and grammar errors. Sentences are incomplete or unclear.

0.0 pts

Not Present
