Help me find the correct answers to study

Question 1

  1. Scenario #1: Imagine you are a consultant for a large HMO. The CEO has asked you to design a program evaluation to determine if they are providing quality care to their patients. The next 15 questions (1-15) relate to Scenario #1.

The CEO wants a qualitative study. Which of the following represents qualitative data?

Interview a random set of patients to assess their satisfaction with healthcare at the HMO.

Send a questionnaire to a random sample of patients with Likert-type rating scales.

Make objective observations using a checklist of patients’ interactions with the physicians.

Analyze the number of test procedures denied by the patients’ insurance providers.

0.33 points  

Question 2

  1. The CEO wants to know the principal advantage of a qualitative study. Which statement is the more accurate?

A qualitative study will allow you to access a wider range of patient views.


A qualitative study will allow you to explore the patient views in greater depth.

0.33 points  

Question 3

  1. A qualitative study will always provide more valid results compared to a quantitative study.



0.33 points  

Question 4

  1. What is the first step of the research process?

Create a plan for research

Select the research approach

Identifying the research problem

Obtain Human Subjects Approval

0.33 points  

Question 5

  1. If you decided to use an associational approach for the evaluation, which of the following conditions would apply?

You would use random assignment of treatments or conditions to intact groups.

You would use an attribute independent variable.

0.33 points  

Question 6

  1. The outcome of an evaluation can only be assessed using a qualitative methodology.



0.33 points  

Question 7

  1. The CEO wants the data to be representative of all the HMO patients. How would probability sampling achieve a representative sample of the patient population?

Probability sampling would survey every patient at the HMO.

Probability sampling would survey every patient at one of the HMO hospitals.

Probability sampling would survey a convenience sample of patients.

Probability sampling would survey a random sample of patients.

0.33 points  

Question 8

  1. Which situation best describes a probability sample?

The researcher stands at the front entrance to a hospital and randomly interviews patients as they enter and leave the facility.


A researcher obtains a list of all of the patients who have been admitted to a hospital and selects ten percent of the patients to interview using a table of random numbers.

0.33 points  

Question 9

  1. Snowballing is the best way to produce a representative sample.



0.33 points  

Question 10

  1. Which of the following is the best way to ensure that the evaluation has high external validity (generalizability)?

Replicate the study at other medical facilities.

Use only reliable and valid measures.

Have all survey items reviewed by a panel of experts.

Perform a content analysis on all interview protocols.

0.33 points  

Question 11

  1. The CEO is confused about the difference between external and internal validity. Which statement should you select to explain the distinction?

External validity deals with whether the results from a study generalize to other populations and situations, whereas internal validity deals with whether the conclusions from the study are logical and reasonable.

External validity deals with whether the measures used in a study are appropriate, whereas internal validity deals with whether the measures are stable and consistent.

0.33 points  

Question 12

  1. Both internal and external validity are achieved when the sample of participants is large and they are randomly drawn from the population.



0.33 points  

Question 13

  1. The CEO understands about different forms of bias and wants to minimize experimenter bias specifically. Which technique will best minimize experimenter bias?

Use a double-blind technique for interviewing.

Do not allow the researchers to analyze the raw data.

Survey a random sample of patients.

Control for all extraneous demographic variables in the study.

0.33 points  

Question 14

  1. Two researchers are selecting participants for groups in a study. Which one is demonstrating the most experimenter bias?

Researcher #1 selects participants according to their height.

Researcher #2 selects participants according to the last four digits of their phone number.

0.33 points  

Question 15

  1. Selection bias is a threat to the internal validity of a study.



0.33 points  

Question 16

  1. Scenario #2: You are a manager in charge of the 360-degree assessment at a company that provides financial and accounting services to a wide variety of other organizations. The next 15 questions (16-30) related to Scenario #2.

You want your 360-degree assessment to have the highest level of measurement precision. Which of the following methods is most likely to achieve your objective?

Have each of the different people doing the assessment conduct interviews and then report their impressions.

Design a rating scale to be used and test it for reliability and validity.

Allow the people doing the assessing to devise their own rating system to ensure variety.

Have the raters focus on psychological traits of the employees (e.g., work attitude, personality, enthusiasm) rather than objective behaviors (e.g., production, work quality, time management).

0.33 points  

Question 17

  1. If you were trying to explain the difference between a quantitative measure and a qualitative measure to one of your senior managers, which expression would be most accurate?

A quantitative measure examines behaviors in numerical degrees and a qualitative measure looks at behaviors in broad categories.

A quantitative measure is a more reliable measure of behavior and a qualitative measure is a more valid measure of behavior.

0.33 points  

Question 18

  1. A rating scale (such as a Likert scale) used in a 360-degree assessment is an example of an ordinal measure.



0.33 points  

Question 19

  1. Assuming you want high validity to your assessment system, which of the following techniques is the best way to test for validity?

Assess the inter-rater agreement.

Perform a test-retest analysis.

Check the inter-item consistency.

Correlate the ratings with other measures of success.

0.33 points  

Question 20

  1. Which of the following two techniques below is the best procedure for testing reliability?

Assess the inter-rater agreement.


Test if the ratings predict future job performance.

0.33 points  

Question 21

  1. A 360-degree assessment instrument cannot have high validity if it is low in reliability.



0.33 points  

Question 22

  1. Possible problems with the a one group pretest-posttest design include

 Maturation effects.

group differences

Poor ecological validity.

selection bias.

0.33 points  

Question 23

  1. If you wanted to compare men and women on a 360-degree assessment, you would use which approach?





0.33 points  

Question 24

  1. Sampling bias can reduce the external validity of a study.



0.33 points  

Question 25

  1. You decide to evaluate your company’s 360-degree assessment using one of the four designs below. Which design will provide you with the most valid results?

Compare the performance of two divisions in the company, one using the 360-degree system and the other using the old system.

Compare the performance of all the employees before and after the introduction of the 360-degree system.

Measure the performance of two divisions in the company using the old assessment system. Have one division remain on the old system and the other division use the new 360-degree system and compare their performance one-year later

Randomly assign employees to two groups. One group is assessed using the old system; the other group is assessed using the new 360-degree system. Compare the performance of the two groups one-year later.

0.33 points  

Question 26

  1. Which of the two designs is a true experimental design?

Solomon Four-Group Design.

Two Group, Pretest/Posttest Design.

0.33 points  

Question 27

  1. The most crucial property of a true experimental design is the random assignment of participants to groups.



0.33 points  

Question 28

  1. Let’s say you choose to compare two groups in the company. One group is allowed to submit a self-assessment and the other is not. What is the best way to deal with the possibility that these two groups do not start out as equivalent (e.g., they differ in the proportion of males and females, or there are salary differences, or they have different levels of educational achievement)?

Randomly assign employees to each group.

Select employees from two divisions in the company and matching them on demographic variables.

Use a convenience sample and give everyone a pretest.

Don’t worry about it because these differences will not invalidate your study.

0.33 points  

Question 29

  1. Which of the following two groups is more likely to be equivalent?

Group A and Group B are selected by social security number—those with low numbers go in Group A, those with high numbers go in Group B.

Group A and Group B are selected by social security number—those ending with an even number go in Group A, those ending with an odd number go in Group B.

0.33 points  

Question 30

  1. The problems with research designs that have nonequivalent groups can be solved if the two groups are given both a pretest and a posttest.



0.33 points  

Question 31

  1. Scenario # 3: You are asked by the Dean of the College of Letters and Sciences at a major California university to assess the performance of virtual teams in their online classes. The next 15 questions (31-45) relate to Scenario #3.
    The Dean wants you to use a mixed methods approach. Which of the following best describes a mixed method?

A combination of individual and group interviews.


A combination of quantitative and qualitative measures.

A questionnaire with a mixture of Likert rating scales and summative rating scales.

A survey given to a mixed demographic.

0.33 points  

Question 32

  1. As part of your research strategy, you propose to do focus groups with randomly selected virtual teams. Focus groups are classified as which type of research method?




0.33 points  

Question 33

  1. Mixed method approaches to research are a bad idea because it is difficult to draw valid conclusions when researcher mix their methodologies.



0.33 points  

Question 34

  1. Suppose you select as your dependent variable the number of posted comments made by each member of the online team. Which of the following would most likely be considered an independent variable?

The length of each posted comment.

The amount of critical thinking displayed in each comment.

Whether the team was large or small.

The degree to which team comments stayed on topic.

0.33 points  

Question 35

  1. As part of your investigation, you wanted to know if the virtual teams worked better together when they were able to talk to each other using headsets as compared to simply using a discussion board. The comparison between using a headset and using a discussion board would be a(n) _____________ variable.




0.33 points  

Question 36

  1. Another way to look at independent and dependent variables is to consider the independent variable as the cause and the dependent variable as the effect.



0.33 points  

Question 37

  1. If your study of virtual online-teams was to test the relationship between class size and amount of team communication, which variable would you most likely want to control?

Type of class (e.g., science, math, philosophy, language).

Size of class (e.g., small, medium, large).

Number of posted comments.

Length of posted comments.

0.33 points  

Question 38

  1. Which of the following is the best method for controlling extraneous (unwanted "nuisance”) variables?

Randomly assign students to different teams

Use a large convenience sample.

0.33 points  

Question 39

  1. Controlling some variables in a study is necessary because those variables may influence the dependent variable and limit what you can conclude about the effects of the independent variable.



0.33 points  

Question 40

  1. You plan to study the effects of technology on the cohesiveness of the virtual teams. You’ve decided that you need a control (comparison, contrast) group for your study. Which group makes the most sense as a control group?

Teams that interact without the use of any technology.


Teams from social science classes.

Teams from humanities classes.

Non-cohesive teams.

0.33 points  

Question 41

  1. The Dean asks you why your study requires a control group. What is your best answer?

The control group establishes a baseline for comparison.

The control group increases reliability of the dependent variable.

0.33 points  

Question 42

  1. A control group is typically a group that does not receive the experimental treatment in a study.



0.33 points  

Question 43

  1. Your study will examine virtual teams over an extended period (at least several weeks). You understand that in any longitudinal study there is the possibility of subject attrition (e.g., members of the teams may drop the class and not be part of the team at the end of the study). Which technique, theoretically, best controls for attrition?

Permanently remove any team that loses a majority of its members during the course of the study.

Replace missing team members with new people who respond just like the missing members.

Whenever a team loses a member, randomly remove one member from every other team.

Do nothing. Simply report the losses then proceed as if no attrition had occurred.

0.33 points  

Question 44

  1. The Dean wants to know why attrition is a problem. Which is the best answer?

Teams who lose members may be different from teams who do not (e.g., they may lose the weaker students and thus end up being “better” teams).

Teams who lose members contaminate measurement precision of the teams who do not lose members (e.g., smaller teams make it more difficult to assess larger teams).

0.33 points  

Question 45

  1. One way to minimize the subject attrition problem is to maintain contact with the subjects and attend to their needs..



0.33 points  

Question 46

  1. Scenario #4: You have designed a comprehensive survey of the sexual practices of readers of a major men’s magazine. The survey involves full disclosure, a signed a waiver, and then (1) a questionnaire that is administered by email, (2) focus groups of men recruited at several malls, and (3) individual interviews of men who volunteered to be interviewed in your private office The next 15 questions (46-60) relate to Scenario #4.

Which situation describes an instance of possible sample bias?

The questionnaire may have items that only apply to men.

The focus groups are allowed to vary in size.

The men recruited from shopping malls are not a representative sample of the readers of men’s magazines.

A private office is an environment that is too formal for investigating sexual practices.


0.33 points  

Question 47

  1. Sample bias is a problem because

The researcher cannot be sure that the sample is representative of the population of interest.

Responses from the participant may not reflect their true beliefs or practices.

0.33 points  

Question 48

  1. Sampling bias and selection bias are just different names for the same phenomenon.



0.33 points  

Question 49

  1. Which of the following is an example of an open-ended question?

Tell me why you read this magazine?

On a 1 to 5 scale, rate how much you enjoy this magazine.

0.33 points  

Question 50

  1. After you do your survey, you want to use a summated scale for a construct that has five items. This means that you

Sum the high and low questions.

Sum all of the five items.

Sum the standard deviations within the five items.

Sum the five items and divide by the standard deviation.

0.33 points  

Question 51

  1. The null hypotheses states that there is no difference between two groups



0.33 points  

Question 52

  1. Which of the following represents a scale construction problem when developing a survey?

Using double negative and double barreled items.

Using Likert scaling instead of a semantic differential scale.

Using unobtrusive measures.

Using trained judges.

0.33 points  

Question 53

  1. If you compare urban men to rural men in your survey and make a Type I error, you have

Falsely concluded that these two groups are different.

Falsely concluded that there is no difference between these two groups.

0.33 points  

Question 54

  1. The power of your survey will depend on the number of men who return the survey.



0.33 points  

Question 55

  1. Survey research sometimes tries to make causal inferences when only a correlation exists. Which statement confuses causation with correlation?

The survey shows that the sales of men’s products are higher in our magazine than any other men’s magazine on the market today.

The survey shows that the readership of our magazine increases as income and educational levels increase.

The survey shows that five percent of our readers are women, which shows that our content is not exclusively male oriented.

The survey shows that the more frequently men read our magazine the more sex they have, which shows that reading our magazine creates sexier men.

0.33 points  

Question 56

  1. Correlation does not imply causation because

Correlation is a statistical procedure and statistics do not usually prove anything.

A correlation simply shows an association between two events but does not rule out other possible associations.

0.33 points  

Question 57

  1. Causality is demonstrated when the independent variable is manipulated and is followed by a change in the dependent variable while all other variables are controlled.



0.33 points  

Question 58

  1. If the survey described in Scenario #4 wanted to show the relationship between men's annual income the number of sexual partners they have had, which statistical procedure would be appropriate?





0.33 points  

Question 59

  1. If the survey described in Scenario #4 wanted to show that urban men spend more money on men's magazines than rural men, which statistic would be appropriate





0.33 points  

Question 60

  1. The focus group and interview portion of the survey described in Scenario #4, would  be considered ______________ research



0.33 points