Write a 1200-1500 word apa formatted essay with three sources of support on the following topics. compile a list of at least 10 herbal medications you have seen patients taking in your obstetrical pra

McGuire, P. (2017, Feb 14). Your periods, pregnancies and the menopause: Can herbs help?: Herbs are not common for pregnancy discomfort, but can be used for periods and menopause. Irish Times Retrieved from https://search.proquest.com/docview/1867765496?accountid=34574

Pregnancy and childbirth; studies from national center for chronic disease prevention and health promotion add new findings in the area of pregnancy and childbirth (factors associated with local herb use during pregnancy and labor among women in kigoma region, tanzania, ...). (2020, Mar 15). Medical Letter on the CDC & FDA Retrieved from https://search.proquest.com/docview/2375986910?accountid=34574

Weed, S. S. (2015, Winter). Safe use of herbs during pregnancy and lactation. Midwifery Today, , 35. Retrieved from https://search.proquest.com/docview/1763804347?accountid=34574

Woodbury, A., M.D., Soong, S. N., M.D., Fishman, D., M.D., & García, Paul S, MD, PhD. (2016). Complementary and alternative medicine therapies for the anesthesiologist and pain practitioner: A narrative review. Canadian Journal of Anesthesia, 63(1), 69-85. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s12630-015-0506-9

Schürger, N., Klein, E., Hapfelmeier, A., Kiechle, M., & Paepke, D. (2018). Demand for integrative medicine among women in pregnancy and childbed: A german survey on patients’ needs. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 18 doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s12906-018-2249-y
