ASSIGNMENT 3: POWER, POLITICS, AND CULTURE Due Week 9 and worth 190 points In Assignment 2, you created a professional development plan using EI building blocks and motivation. In this last assignment

Leanne Batiste

Assignment 2:

Professional Development Program Proposal


Professor Wanda Tillman

Bus 520

EI and Motivation

The emotional intelligence building blocks that would impact the ability of the management to enhance employee performance and job satisfaction include self-regulation, empathy, and motivation. A leader who regulates him or herself effectively rarely attacks other employees verbally or make emotional or rushed behavior (Sathya et al. 2018). Also, the leader does not stereotype people and has his or her values compromised. The self-regulation EI building block ensures that leaders stay in control. Also, it is an element that covers the flexibility and commitment of a leader to personal accountability. With this, an employee feels satisfied and in the right place, thus motivated to work each day.

The other EI building block, motivation, also helps in improving employee performance and job satisfaction. A leader who is self-motivated work consistently toward his or her goals, and the leader has an extremely high standard for their work quality. A motivated leader will try and find at least a good thing about a situation when faced by failure or challenge, and it motivates the employees a great deal (Sathya et al. 2018). Empathy also is an emotional intelligence building block that can impact management’s ability to have job satisfaction and employee performance enhanced. For a leader, having empathy is essential to managing a successful organization or team. A leader with empathy can put him or her in someone else’s situation. He or she can develop the employees on the team and listen to those who require it.

In influencing the organization’s members and in resolving any issue at the organization, the motivation theory to be used is McClelland’s theory of needs. It is a motivation theory that affirms that three motivators, affiliation, achievement, and power. The theory is associated closely with learning theory as its proponent believed that needs get acquired or learned by the kinds of events individuals experience in their culture and environment. The need for achievement is a drive to excel and to strive to succeed. In other words, it is behavior directed toward competition, which is with excellence standard. For example, an employee who is a high-need achiever has a strong desire for performance feedback. The need for affiliation gets defined as a desire to have a warm and friendly relation established and maintained with other people. EI and Social Skills and Decision Making EI is the capacity of a person to regulate and recognize the emotion’s expression. Self-awareness is among the core concepts of emotional intelligence and gets expressed by knowing the feelings one has. Only when an individual is aware of his or her feelings can use them effectively when it comes to making decisions that are right and good (Sathya et al. 2018). Also, an individual with high EI make choices or rather decisions founded on a realistic valuation of his or her knowledge and capability. Therefore, the individual will not indulge in delusion thinking, which contributes to efficacy in the decision making of a management team. The other core concept of EI, which can enhance the decision making the efficacy of a given management team is self-regulation. It is the ability to approximately manage emotions of a person so that the person can facilitate, rather than interfering with the task at hand. When an individual is aware of his or her anger or any other feelings he or she has, it allows the individual to have anger channeled in an industrious manner, and not an unhelpful manner enhance decision making efficacy (Sathya et al. 2018). Also, people with emotional intelligence can have gratification delayed in search of the objective and goals. Such people have emotions controlled, and not emotions have control over them, making decisions without haste. Empathy is the other core concept of emotional intelligence and critical in making decisions in a team. It gets usually seen as a capability to sense or know what the other person is feeling. An empathetic individual can show compassion and kindness towards the other person when in hurting or distress, even if one does not feel the same (Sathya et al. 2018). Empathy ensures the ability to bring close a group that is diverse of individuals together to unite for a cause. Motivation also is s a core concept of the EI and aids in decision making in an organization and a team. Motivation is the capability to persevere in the face of challenges and setbacks. When it comes to the issue of decision making, a motivated person get undaunted by frustrations and failure, take the initiative, and striving to improve and move steps forward in search of the objective. Lastly, social skills, also as an emotional intelligence core concept, significantly contribute when it comes to making the right decisions in a team. A social skill gets considered as the capacity to handle both one's own emotions and other emotions productively, as opposed to a destructive way (Sathya et al. 2018). An individual with high emotional intelligence utilizes soft skills to communicate effectively and unify and collaborate with others. Effective teams Effective teams usually have a common goal. It is because successful teamwork is the capacity to work together toward a shared vision. A capable team typically has one shared goal that each member of the team is working towards. The goal is unambiguous, all the members of the team know it, it is motivating, and has a clear achievement path. A common goal is like fuel, as it allows common people to attain uncommon results. Also, effective team practice opens communication (Mikkelsen et al. 2017). It is essential that like a common goal, communication to be too unambiguous and shared with every member of the team. Without any communication, it is not possible to achieve the goal. Excellent communication usually incorporates dispensing knowledge accurately, and an environment where members of the team can freely express their opinions and thoughts, and trust. Also, time management is an attribute of a capable team. An effective team usually uses the precious time it has efficiently (Mikkelsen et al. 2017). Once the necessary next task gets identified, the team members focus on the completion of the job. To develop team dynamics, one should first know the team. It starts by learning the phases that a group goes through when designing, and it is then one can be in a position to preempt challenges that could arise. The other strategy in developing team dynamics is tackling the problems quickly. If one notices a member of the team has adopted a trait affecting the group unhelpfully, quick actions to challenge, it gets advised. The other strategy to develop team dynamics is focusing on communication. It is because open communication is the key to excellent team dynamics; thus, it is essential to ensure that every team member communicates clearly. Reward systems A workforce that is motivated is a significant factor when it comes to the success of any organization. When an employee gets motivated to work at higher productivity levels, the organization runs more efficiently and effectively at reaching the objectives. The reward system, which is in a position to solve the issues at the organization, is intrinsic. Intrinsic rewards are internal to the individual, whereby it is something an individual has to offer and gets driven by personal enjoyment or interest in the work itself (Mikkelsen et al. 2017). Intrinsic motivation usually exists in an individual; thus, achievement does not depend on other people. An employee who is motivated intrinsically tends to work at higher productivity levels and strive to develop professionally. Intrinsic rewards incorporate things like professional growth, personal achievement, sense of accomplishment, and pleasure. Employees can get motivated and behavior influence through ways like valuing each employee’s role and contribution. It is because when an organization values the contribution and role of an employee, productivity increases, and the negative behavior reduces (Mikkelsen et al. 2017). Thus, a worker feeling valued is the key to dedication and motivation, which is long-term to the business. Also, an employee can get motivated, and behavior influenced when a transparent, open, and accessible environment gets created. The trusting atmosphere usually gets created through open communication, results sharing, and defining the expectations clearly (Mikkelsen et al. 2017). When a manager of an organization shares information and data, it is a positive effect on motivating the behavior of the employee. Employees can get motivated by making expectations clear, and the guidelines more evident. Expectations must be crystal clearer as to when the rule is misunderstood and hazy; it is easy for an employee to misstep and find oneself in lousy standing.


  • Mikkelsen, Maria Falk, Christian Bøtcher Jacobsen, and Lotte Bøgh Andersen. "Managing employee motivation: Exploring the connections between managers’ enforcement actions, employee perceptions, and employee intrinsic motivation." International Public Management Journal 20.2 (2017): 183-205.

  • Sathya, A., and Dr. VP Velmurugan. "Role of Emotional Intelligence In Leadership Behaviour-A Review." Journal of Management 5.3 (2018).