Please open the attachment and see the full information you need before starting working on the assignments. PART 1 The student will write a minimum 750-word research paper using current APA formattin

BUSI 692

Faith Integration Essay Rubric


The student will write a minimum 750-word research paper using current APA formatting guidelines that examines one of major topics in the course in light of the Bible. The focus of this paper will be to bridge the gap between Christianity and theory.


Levels of Achievement

Content 70%




Not present

Topic Chosen

19 to 20 points

The course topic chosen is a very important concept covered in the course, and the relevance of the topic is clearly explained.

17 to 18 points

The course topic chosen is an important concept covered in the course, and the relevance of the topic is explained, but there is some lack of clarity of either the relevance or the topic.

1 to 16 points

The course topic chosen is a somewhat important concept covered in the course, and the relevance of the topic is somewhat explained, but the student has not presented a clear explanation of either.

0 points

Not present.

Integration of the Bible in relation to the chosen course topic

38 to 40 points

Integration of the Bible in relation to a course topic is clearly established and explained.

35 to 37 points

Integration of the Bible in relation to a course topic is established, but there are gaps in the explanation.

1 to 34 points

Integration of the Bible in relation to a course topic is not really explained, but there is an attempt at the explanation.

0 points

Not present.

Clarity and Relevance of Support of Key Topics

10 points

There is a clear, logical flow to the major points to the paper.

9 points

There is a mostly clear and mostly logical flow to the major points to the paper.

1 to 8 points

There is a little clarity and the flow is not in a coherent logical manner.

0 points

Not present.

Structure 30%




Not present

Word Limit Met

10 points

The 1000 word limit was fully met.

9 points

Student wrote less than the minimum, but more than 800 words.

1 to 8 points

Student wrote less than 800 words, but more than 400 words.

0 points

Not present.

Proper Spelling, Grammar, APA

10 points

There were no more than two spelling, grammar, or APA errors.

9 points

There were three spelling, grammar, or APA errors.

1 to 8 points

There were four spelling, grammar, or APA errors.

0 points

Not present.

Number of Sources Used

10 points

Student used two peer reviewed references plus to Bible.

9 points

Student used one peer reviewed reference plus to Bible.

1 to 8 points

Student used no peer reviewed references or did not use the Bible.

0 points

Not present.


Integration of Faith and Learning Paper Instructions

Business ethics is defined as the set of moral rules that govern how businesses operate, how business decisions are made, and how people are treated. Unfortunately, some companies violate these basic principles. More often than not, ethical violations happen because a company does not have a clearly defined code of ethics and/or the code is not an integral part of the corporate culture.

Find and research an example of a publicly traded corporation that acted unethically. You will write a 1000-word paper based on this research. In the first half of your paper, describe the breach of ethics committed by the company. In the second half of your paper, assume that you were the CEO, CFO, or CMO (depending on where in the company the breach occurred) of the business. How would you have used the Bible to create a corporate code of ethics that would have prevented the breach described in the first half of your paper?

In the first half of your paper you must cite at least 3 scholarly sources (in addition to your textbook) and in the second half you must include at least 3 Bible verses. Your paper must be formatted, and your sources must be cited, in according to all current APA guidelines.