Hai. Assignment on Negotiations. (Self reflection paper - Personal Journal) Requirements: 1. Need a 12 page report 2. Proper APA citation with at least 4 academic references 3. Need Turnitin report l

Personal Journal:

Write a personal reflection paper that reflects on your progress as a negotiator. The paper should identify 7-9 strengths AND weaknesses (maximum) that you have and should outline a specific plan for how you plan to continue to capitalize on your strengths and address your weaknesses. (You need not identify an equal number of strengths and weaknesses, but both should be addressed in your paper.)

Include a plan that summarizes a concise, maximum one-page checklist of “Do’s and Do Not’s.”

The report should include the following sections:

1. Introduction: Should include a brief summary of your overall progress as a negotiator, and a summary of your strengths and weaknesses.

2. Strengths: What do you do well as a negotiator? What evidence is there of these strengths? What is the underlying source of that strength (e.g. personality trait, personal experience, etc.)? How will you ensure that you continue to capitalize on each one of your strengths?

3. Weaknesses: What do you do poorly as a negotiator? What evidence is there of these weaknesses? What is the underlying source of that weakness (e.g. personality trait, personal experience, etc.)? How will you ensure that you continue to work to overcome each of your weaknesses?

4. Conclusion: Introduce and explain your checklist. The items in the checklist must be clear and specific. Try not to have too many items in total (i.e. more than eight) or too few (i.e. fewer than four).

In grading your papers, the following elements will be evaluated:

1. Understanding: demonstrating that you know the material learned in the course. You should apply the readings and concepts learned in the course to your own experiences.

2. Perceptiveness: Depth of insight, introspection, and analysis of your strengths and weaknesses. Do not write a chronological summary of the semester, and do not give lengthy play-by-play reports of what happened. Look across all your negotiations and identify your strengths and weaknesses. Be specific.

3. Generalizability: You must be specific about how you plan to capitalize on your strengths and compensate for your weaknesses in future negotiations. Simply noting your strengths and weaknesses is not enough.

4. Quality of writing includes: Clarity, organization, and grammar. This will not be weighted as heavily as the first three points, but you will lose points for weak writing.

For your benefit, the below are some of my strengths and weakness (Just for example I gave 5 strengths and 3 weakness)

You can write your any strengths ( 8) and weakness (7)…I wrote XYZ instead of my name.

My Strengths


My partner is so realistic in nature and giving every proper information regarding his company vision and mission statements. He had not made any falsifying data to confuse me. I can also say that he is very good at making offers, in finding ZOPA1, ZOPA2 and in estimating the opponent’s reservation point.

Gathering information:

he is particularly good at gathering information from other parties at the negotiation table. I started the discussion, and he is very patient in listing all the info and acknowledging very smoothly. At every instance, he is trying to ask more questions about my company’s financial ability and outlets. It tells you that he is a very keen observer and wants clear information before making any decision.

Working with excel:

In this case, we need to do a lot of calculations for every section, and for that, it is very opted to use the calculator and excel sheets. My partner is exceptionally good in making excel and not wasting any time in calculations. He just continued with the smooth flow of negotiation; this shows that he had prepared very well ahead of the very crucial talk.

Boundary points:

One thing I can say that to be a good negotiator, one should know his boundary lines. It is quite natural that sometimes in the discussion, we may lose our target points and trying to co-operate with the opponent. But, XYZ has done well in this aspect; he is very well aware of his target point and reservation point. He never gives me a chance to find out his points. He is so nice and well behaved, unlike any other people who had fixed a price and try to be more aggressive. He is so motivated and competitive in style.

Negotiation style: (Thompson, L. L, 2005).

My partner has a dual negotiation style. As per the situation, he is accustomed to a particular style. Initially, he is so collaborative like he started sharing about himself and the company and then ask questions about my family and me. I feel like speaking with a friend rather than an opponent. During the time of bargaining the price levels, he is so competitive and almost gat the deal at his favor. I can say that it is suitable for a negotiator to change as per the situation.

During the negotiation, I find some areas of improvement to my competitor (XYZ) to be a complete negotiator.

My weaknesses:

  1. Enormity Reaction:

When I started the negotiation, I tried to explain all the benefits that he can get and end up with a win-win situation. Still, he got stuck to the initial price and tried to explain the benefits like location, competitiveness, and size of the market. This is something over aspiring the competitors and leads to a wrong impression in the minds of opponents.

Taking notes:

XYZ is actually right in taking notes and make calculations in an excel sheet but, do so make him very busy in calculations and sometimes deviating from the actual negotiation. My suggestion is that he can make a possible outcome before the discussion starts with the other party.

Sources of power:

Like any other person, XYZ is not mentioned about his sources of power in detail. The other party can make use of it and might take control of the situation. My request to XYZ is to show his sources of power at least two times in the discussion so that his partner feels that he is having the upper hand and understand the situation well.