For the first essay grammar fix,My professor told me too remake it, because of my grammatical errors, (but the idea is great) Here are the instructions for it: What is the central issue raised in “The

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May 29, 2020

Real life in The ones who walk with Omelas.

What would you do if you were stuck on a room forever? Just for other people to live their own happiness, while you are suffering alone for it. Probably you will that that people is very selfish with you, because happiness should never rely on others. A big issue in “The ones who walk away from Omelas” was that peoples happiness rely on a kids horrible life, and many people now a days in real life doesn’t care if they make people suffer for their own happiness.

So in “The ones who walk away from Omelas” every one knew that the kid was locked up suffering for peoples own happiness and people will go and visit the kid without caring from their feelings, which that happens now a days when people make suffer other people for their own benefit of happiness without caring about their feelings, but there are also good people who care about others people feelings and prefer not to make them suffer for their own benefit as people in The ones who walk away from Omelas” that were not fine with the idea of the kid suffering for their own happiness walked away from Omela.

Now a days people don’t think for others when they will suffer for their own happiness as well as people doesn’t like to show their own emotions so people don’t know about the feelings of the other person, because if people don’t show their emotions there is no way another person would know hoy he or she is feeling. Now people are more selfish, because they don’t want to feel the pain or suffer that others are suffering for them to not feel their pain.

In conclusion in “The ones who walk away from omelas,” the people of Omelas feelings relay on the kids suffering which that happens in real life when people rely in other people that suffer for their own benefit.

Works Cited

LeGuin Ursula “The ones who walk away from Omelas”. The Winds Twelve Quarters. London, England. Orion Publishing Group, 1975

Brooks, David. “The child in the basement”. The New York Times. 12 Jan 2015

A Philosopher Answers Everyday. Moral Dilemmas in a Time Of Coronavirus

Jago Wynne, Working Without Wilting, (Inter-Varsity Press, 2009)