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Hi class. I would like to welcome you to a short tutorial to assist you in completing your week five iCARE Paper. [BLANK_AUDIO] The assignment guidelines and rubric are located under the week five module. [BLANK_AUDIO] The purpose of the iCARE paper assignment is to explore the concept of interprofessional teams and patient outcomes.

Nursing supportive actions of compassion, advocacy, resilience and evidence based practice will serve as a way to apply CARE concepts. Use the Turnitin inbox to submit this assignment by the end of week five. [BLANK_AUDIO] Please follow the assignment directions and download and use the recommended template to assist you in completing this paper.

As you can see, headings and prompts are included in the template. Selecting one scholarly nursing article in from the CCN library as a resource for your paper is a requirement. Additional scholarly sources can be used but are optional. The body of the paper should not exceed three pages. One short quote is permitted in this assignment, but the rest should be paraphrased in your own words.

The iCARE paper assignment rubric is contained in the guidelines area. It is a good final step to check the rubric prior to submission to assure you have included all vital parts of the assignment. There are prompts under each listed criteria on the rubric to assist you when writing your paper.

This assignment is worth 200 points. Please read through the directions carefully and reach out to your instructor with any questions. [BLANK_AUDIO] APA format is required for this assignment. It is always helpful to refer to the APA resources located under Resources in the course menu to the left. After clicking on resources, find and click on Citation and Writing Assistance.

There you will find APA resources with a variety of items to assist you. [BLANK_AUDIO] Under the course menu at the left is a tile marked Tutoring. Click on this, and you are now in the area of Chamberlain. [BLANK_AUDIO] At, you have access to writing professionals who will chat with you.

Sometimes, students also find it helpful to submit a paper for feedback prior to submitting it in the course. All services at are free of charge to students. [BLANK_AUDIO] As always, please contact your 451 instructor with any questions.