What effect do you believe artificial intelligence will have on information system infrastructure? Use at least two references to help justify your thinking. Note: Post your primary response by Wednes

Discussion 6

by Sonika Paka - Sunday, May 10, 2020, 1:50 AM


The field of artificial intelligence (AI) will play the important role in meeting the major challenges in the businesses AI uses the theoretical and experimental tools of computer science to study the phenomena of the intelligent behavior. The technologies in AI will make the computers to use in easier way, as this will support the development of the computer interfaces such as language, gestures and animation this all are collaborated along with the users to meet their information needs (Marks & Bobrow).

Artificial intelligent in companies is bringing the substantial economic growth, due to this automation number of jobs would be lost so, it is necessary to implement the required policy and infrastructure in place. AI plays the big role in cyber security, the cyber space is a dynamic environment as the situation keeps on changing rapidly and this can’t be predicted with certainty, but AI systems have the flexibility to respond towards the changing environment as it can be used as cyber defence for giving early warning, prevention, detection, and responses this all will help the company to make decision easily (Paulo, 2018).

AI has reduced the human intervention by making the process automation, most of the cyber security systems are slow and need human interaction in several steps and this can cause damage and delay in the business. Now with the help of AI it has given potential to create the artificial police intelligent agents applications and it is deployed for monitoring the entire network, the intelligent agent application has the ability to sense the damage and other risks and will act according to that. In the education field also AI technology has created huge impact and is used to develop the number of new applications which is easy for the users to access the application through internet, and most of the users are improving their skills and knowledge by learning through this AI management systems, and now the huge online courses have become popular as the course can be taken from where ever the user is located. Overall for every user the artificial intelligence technology provides the alternative to achieve the same and get success (Paulo, 2018).




Marks, J. & Bobrow, D.G. The Role of Intelligence Systems Retrieved from, https://aaai.org/Library/Reports/nii.php

Paulo, S. (2018) Journal of Information Systems and Technology Management. Vol.15 ISSN 1809-2640