Healthcare Administration Capstone – Week #8 Assignment 2 ePortfolio Take one last look over the ePortfolioStudent Completion Checklist and your collection of artifacts, substitute documents and refle

ePortfolio Student Completion Checklist

The following table will help you organize your ePortfolio and ensure that you have completed the requirements in their entirety. You will submit the completed table in week 6 for instructor review and feedback. If necessary, any additions or revisions will be completed in week 7 for final ePortfolio submission in week 8.

Follow these instructions to complete your table.

In the second column, if you have chosen an artifact from a previous course or if you have chosen a substitute to demonstrate mastery of the program objective, justify your selection of the chosen document(s) in one to two paragraphs. If you are creating a reflection of your coursework and/or professional work, simply write the word “reflection” in the appropriate cell.

For column three, insert “yes” or “no” to indicate that you have clearly labeled the documents within your ePortfolio to match the corresponding Program Objective.

Program Objective/Action Step

Justification for Artifact/Substitute chosen or “Reflection”

Clearly labeled in ePortfolio? Yes/No

1. Assess the legal, regulatory and ethical challenges characteristic of the healthcare industry

2. Manage the performance of health professionals in diverse organizational environments

3. Apply information systems technologies to improve decision making speed and effectiveness

4. Apply basic management skills to the unique challenges in healthcare industry

5. Integrate multiple functional perspectives and different professional perspectives to create innovative solutions to complex problems