Write a research paper describing a current or future use for analysis of big data. The term big data refers to the vast amounts of data being generated from such sources as social media, real-world s

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Annotated Bibliography on Big Data

Bello-Orgaz, G., Jung, J. J., & Camacho, D. (2016). Social big data: Recent achievements and new challenges. Information Fusion28, 45-59. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1566253515000780

The authors and the researchers of this article focus on various areas through which big data is used. Some of the fields that are discussed by the author include extraction of data, machine learning, artificial intelligence, data integration, semantic web and the social networks. However, they narrow it down to the challenges that big data is experiencing as a result data in social media and social networks. The authors present new methodologies which are designed to allow data mining and the integration of information in social media in various applications. Through the article, authors illustrates the challenges drawn in data processing, storage, presentation, and how the data can be utilized in various fields to analyse behaviours, visualize as well as track data.

Ghani, N. A., Hamid, S., Hashem, I. A. T., & Ahmed, E. (2019). Social media big data analytics: A survey. Computers in Human Behavior101, 417-428. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S074756321830414X

This article discusses how big data analytics has developed to be a research arena that has been increased by the development of the internet and advent of the web 2.0 tech. There is massive data generation by social media users as a result of incorporation of their back ground facts and their regular deeds. The purpose of the study based on the authors was to equate conceivable big data analytics practises and their quality traits. The authors discuss how application of big data in social media. They illustrate the methods and qualities of various studies conducted through social media big data. The authors also described the big data analytics challenges.

Felt, M. (2016). Social media and the social sciences: How researchers employ Big Data analytics. Big Data & Society3(1), 2053951716645828. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/2053951716645828

The authors of this article start by discussing how the social media columns are rich for prospective data mining and data scrutiny. The podium provides issue open access to the platform data which makes it easy to carry out the research. The author and the researcher of this article focused on how big data can be used by other researchers to carry out different kinds of studies through the social media platforms. The article discusses acute social media info analysis which is joined with traditional, quantitative techniques in addressing the evolving data gold rush. The article uses data from twitter where it compares three free use twitter platforms in capturing the tweets and enabling analysis.

He, W., Wang, F. K., & Akula, V. (2017). Managing extracted knowledge from big social media data for business decision making. Journal of Knowledge Management. https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/JKM-07-2015-0296/full/html?casa_token=pJyouucalIoAAAAA:acDKKDLT33as9r6skOk1Cn_ZYHe-f-Ez11gCKXiLVGX1EPnNie52BH1yfWjzot_WSgvcnsYEoekhJazlu_0wpJW-tPQtPySTC4qS1i4kPzlIutbBhyiv3A

The authors and the researchers focus on info administration framework for leveraging the social media thus helping organizations through the decision making process. The researchers focus on how big data is used by organization through various social media platforms. The research of this study was conducted through case study by analysing one million twitter communications across five firms. The researchers found the sense and the purpose of assimilating big data tech and social media to a KM system and its process. The article illustrates how the companies can use the big data technologies to extract valuable information on social media through comparing the social media info to the rivals.

Moessner, M., Feldhege, J., Wolf, M., & Bauer, S. (2018). Analyzing big data in social media: Text and network analyses of an eating disorder forum. International Journal of Eating Disorders51(7), 656-667. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/eat.22878?casa_token=o5YxvuoEhA4AAAAA:RQPUfgTIKI-i2x3c2E3GfTvSadV49DimnXc6K_txD4BmsU9pZOhrLtjNTpZ-ibdE8mwotqVurHhRr4jOVg

This article focuses on big data in social media. They also focus on the negative impacts it has on the main users of the social media who are the young people. Researchers conducted a research on the adverse consequences of social media in relation to the negative impacts of eating disorders. According of the authors they used data mining methods, computer content study and network examination to carry out the research. The network analysis described the overall communication patters identifying community organizations involving the influential users in the communities. The research was conducted based on 4,247 posts and 34,118 remarks that were made by 3,029 users. This article is an illustration of a research on social big data. Through this article I can base my discussion in the research on how big data can be used to carry out studies.

Sivarajah, U., Irani, Z., Gupta, S., & Mahroof, K. (2019). Role of big data and social media analytics for business to business sustainability: A participatory web context. Industrial Marketing Management. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0019850118305236

This article has been used to demonstrate the role that big data and social media plays in business analysis thus contributing to the sustainability of the business. The article exhibits the aptitude of big data and the social media analytics with involves web setting. It permit the B2B organization to increase its revenues and creates business sustainability in the firms. This research is useful for both academic and management of companies to create deeper understanding of how the web tools led to business sustainability.